Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Just Leave Them To It...

The group of mainly University of Brighton students booked out the room on Wednesday. Once inside the campus room, called G4, in Grand Parade, Brighton, they barricaded themselves in and are now refusing to leave until their demands are met or until an ongoing staff strike ends on Friday.
It would have to be Brighton, wouldn't it?
The students want the striking university staff’s demands met and also want the Student Union to show its support for them. They also want compensation for missed lectures.
They support the people making them miss lectures, and think they should be compensated by the people who are the targets of such action..?
Humanities student Izzy Smith, 21, said: “We wanted to support those who are striking and so we decided we would occupy a room.
“There is a fair amount of space in here, there are windows to put banners up and it was fairly easy to barricade.
We are well versed in our rights – they told us that they were going to get someone called Barry to get us out.
“He still hasn’t turned up, we keep saying ‘where’s Barry?’, we think he might be myth.”
I hope 'Barry' is the head of the police riot squad, and he kicks down your flimsy barricade, pepper-sprays you, and drags you out by the hair...
The group. who call themselves The Brighton Student Lobbying Group, are taking it in turns to stay inside the room, with some sleeping overnight while others bring in supplies such as biscuits and Doritos.
One striker said she had to go to the toilet in a bottle.
Wait, hang on. That's all normal teenage life, isn't it? Just nail the door shut and use another room for the duration. 


MTG said...

Rebels without a cause.

Anonymous said...

Switch off the power and water and see how long they last. The authorities could also play the collected speeches of Margaret Thatcher - on a loop!
If I lived in Brighton, I'd buy popcorn and go down there.

Anonymous said...

Let them stew in the room until they decide to come out. Just don't allow any food or water to be taken in.

JuliaM said...

"Switch off the power and water and see how long they last."

The power would concern them, the water, I suspect, not so much...

"Just don't allow any food or water to be taken in."

Probably against their 'uman rites!