Friday 15 May 2020

Jolyon Takes Care Of 'The Ugly Stuff' Himself...

Some mornings, you take your first glance at Twitter and it's the same old, same old.

Other mornings, however...

Yes, it's arch fox-batterer Maugham lecturing everyone on animal welfare and morality, with utter shamelessness.


Stonyground said...

Well, as far as eating eggs goes, we don't pay anyone to do the ugly stuff, whatever that is, we have our own little flock of hens. As far as it is possible to tell they seem pretty happy, they scratch around all day making contented sounding chicken noises, so I've no reason to think otherwise.

Anonymous said...

And yet in spite of USA having so called terrible food standards we don't hear of lots of people dead from food related horrors. Something is wrong about all these scare stories, I have friends with family living in USA and they don't report the things we get told here. With regard to chlorine washed chicken it seems swimming pool water has more chlorine in it than the washing water. Lots of self serving fake news about folks take care what you believe.

Jimbo said...

Also, his battered fox. He killed it because it was stuck trying to get at his garden chicken coop. What was he keeping chickens for if not to eat their eggs?

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on, Jaded!
"La célèbre affaire de la tondeuse à gazon de M. Melvin" continues to rumble on in the French Press. Questions have been asked (and evaded) in the Chamber of Deputies.
Fancy you not knowing that!

Anonymous said...

Ta grammaire française est de la merde. Ta gueule!

JuliaM said...

" I've no reason to think otherwise."

Would that the battery chickens had such a life. But then who'd pay higher prices for eggs?

" With regard to chlorine washed chicken it seems swimming pool water has more chlorine in it than the washing water. "

The people whining about this have a) never worried about eating chicken when holidaying in the States and b) will happily eat salads, expecting them to be washed in pure mountain spring water...