Monday 4 May 2020

I'm Guessing He Won't Do It Again...

A criminal with a lengthy record spat at police officers who arrested him after he was spotted with a knife. Thomas Morgan threw the weapon away as he fled from police in Ilkeston.
When officers stepped in he fell to the floor and was injured, requiring hospital treatment.
But after he was treated the 25-year-old tried to escape again, only to be apprehended, reports Derbyshire Live.
'Apprehended' with extreme prejudice!
Joe Harvey, mitigating, said his client has a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia who on the day of the offences had carried the knife as he’d had some recent trouble in the community but “had no intention of using it”.
He said: “I had the pleasure of representing Mr Morgan at the police station and his face was a mess.
“A very significant amount of force was used against him and he was certainly dealt with very roughly by the police.”



Anonymous said...

Is Xe a Lesbian (big chin and all that).

Anonymous said...

Here comes Melvin.

Anonymous said...

He probably did it to himself, no doubt we will soon be seeing a big compo claim.

MTG 1 said...

Fortunately, my contacts with true scum are very rare. It takes a great deal to 'gast my flabber' but I am sickened by news which leaves me pondering on what sort of background results in an horrific and ready predisposition to bestiality and violence. And since Mr Morgan's behaviour was no better, I have very little sympathy for the defendant.

It is only fitting that our police receive fair compensation for each incident of being spat upon. Not a very nice experience, I am sure, albeit part of a policeman's lot. I suggest a £2 payment for each spittle attack, paid at the end of the year. In this way the rewards will accumulate into another timely Christmas bonus and hopefully something not to be sneezed at.

Anonymous said...

That's the thinking of a decent person MTG, these scum wouldn't pay the £2 and what are you going to do about it? They have nothing and prison is a nice break from everyday life for them. We have an underclass in our society that really are above the law and can do whatever they like to anyone.

JuliaM said...

"The kicking probably improved his looks and his IQ."

They could hardly diminish further!

"That's the thinking of a decent person MTG, these scum wouldn't pay the £2 and what are you going to do about it? "

Whine on blogs?