Saturday, 23 May 2020

If This Is A 'Partnership', It's An Abusive One...

Trident said it operated a partnered approach with residents in the area while supporting its vulnerable guests.
In response to the claims, Trident said: “As an essential service, our frontline commissioned Homeless Services are currently working with people who quite often have complex needs.
"Whilst we aim to support those most vulnerable in Birmingham and the wider Midlands area, we also aim to work in collaboration and participation with people who reside around Washington Court so a partnered approach can take place.
"This way we can ensure we all work together in providing the much-needed help and support to people most in need in our society.”
And what are these people most in need of?
A retail worker, who has lived in the apartments for 12 years, told BirminghamLive: "I've seen them urinating against cars, pulling down people's fences, we've seen them fighting among themselves, openly taking drugs in front of children and drinking in the street.
"There's shouting and screaming at any time of the day, including in the afternoon. The noise from it is atrocious, we had to have security down.
"It's like a war zone sometimes, you can't hear yourself think. The lockdown has made it worse."
Some 'partnership'. What's in it for the decent residents in the area, apart from an open air production of 'The Best Of Jeremy Kyle'..?


Stonyground said...

Serious question Julia. What would you do about this problem if you were queen for a day? I don't know the answer, are these the kinds of people who used to be locked up in asylums years ago? People who are incapable of running their own lives seem to be an unavoidable reality. Was there a time when their families would have taken care of them? I seriously don't know the answer do you?

Anonymous said...

Nothing for the Police to worry about here, not when there's serious revenue gathering to be done on the roadsides anyway.

Stonyground said...

Who can blame the police for not wanting to waste their time on these people? They are breaking the law in any number of ways so the police have every reason to arrest and charge them. But what happens then? They go through some kind of pointless legal turnstile and end up exactly where they were before. Who can blame the police for thinking what is the bloody point?

Anonymous said...

Don't the words Partnered, Complex, Collaboration, Support &etc just make you want to scream since you know they are not addressing the issue (oops I done it myself there)

Anonymous said...

Stoneyground, Aren't you forgetting the poor unfortunate neighbor's who have to put up with such scum? The Police are there to uphold the law irrespective of their own opinions. If they don't we may as well abolishe parliament and elections etc. and just let the Police do what they feel like.

Robert the Biker said...

What do they need? How about a bloody good kicking! It's easy to be sympathetic and understanding of the plight of the poor misunderstood scumbags when it's not your fences being pulled over, your car being pissed on and your life being made a misery by shitheads! Half a dozen large lads in balaclavas with axe handles will do more to solve the issue for the people who actually have to live with it than any amount of sanctimonious handwringing fro the whiners and the useless police.

JuliaM said...

"What would you do about this problem if you were queen for a day?"

My reign would be short, and terrible. But ultimately good for the nation.

"Who can blame the police for not wanting to waste their time on these people? "

Me. Because it's what they are paid to do. There's lots of my job that seems pointless, too. But it pays for my living, so I do it.

"Don't the words Partnered, Complex, Collaboration, Support &etc just make you want to scream..."

They have fast become red flags, haven't they?

"It's easy to be sympathetic and understanding of the plight of the poor misunderstood scumbags when it's not your fences being pulled over, your car being pissed on and your life being made a misery by shitheads! "

Spot on!