Tuesday 16 July 2024

Another DEI 'Success' Crashes In Flames...

Lambeth council’s chief executive has quit after being charged with drug and drink driving offences.

Quite a few of them, at that... 

Bayo Dosunmu is accused of fleeing the scene of a car crash in Westminster at the end of June. The 46-year-old, from Hammersmith, was arrested on suspicion of failing to stop, being in charge of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, possession of class A drugs and driving without insurance.
Following the arrest, Lambeth council said Mr Dosunmu would be taking some time “away from work”.


On Wednesday a town hall spokesman confirmed he will officially leave the £185,000-a-year post from next week.

He's been a long time recipent of diversity hire policies... 

He was appointed Lambeth’s chief executive in 2022 having previously acted as the borough’s deputy chief and strategic director for resident services.
Before that, he was an executive director at Homes England and assistant chief executive at the Homes and Communities Agency.
He also served at a senior level in a range of civil service roles including for the Welsh Government and the Olympic Delivery Authority.

And now the gravy train has pulled into the sidings.  


Andy5759 said...

Blimey! 185k, that's a lot of moolah, keep him in brandy and blunts for a while. As for the drugs bit, the small printing firm I worked for until retirement had a couple of users. A cycle courier turned up at the loading bay twice a week with supplies of Mexican marching powder. If I was down there having a cigarette I might overhear the conversation. One day he said he was off to SW1 to deliver a huge quantity for our leaders. No wonder this country is such a shambles.

Anonymous said...

1. Has he been sacked or has he resigned? If the former, then possibly no pension. If the latter, which the cynical side of me suggests is the case, his peers may ensure he will receive a taxpayer funded pension.
2. He seems have had had a fair number of roles involving housing. I have to wonder if his racial background has affected decisions in who is allocated accommodation (there's that cynical side of me again).

Umbongo said...

"And now the gravy train has pulled into the sidings"

Very naive to think that this grifter will not find another well-paid local government non-job very soon. I give it a couple of months (well, he needs a holiday) and he'll be back. I reckon Ealing but who knows! Of course, given the new government, I suspect a quango appointment is also a possibility.

Anonymous said...

I’m sure racism is to blame

Alan Scott said...

Await chrages and court appearances. Has his pay been stopped?

JuliaM said...

"A cycle courier turned up at the loading bay twice a week with supplies of Mexican marching powder."

Maybe that explains the rise in courier services!

"If the former, then possibly no pension. If the latter, which the cynical side of me suggests is the case, his peers may ensure he will receive a taxpayer funded pension."

I suspect you're spot on!

"Very naive to think that this grifter will not find another well-paid local government non-job very soon. "

True, sadly.

"I’m sure racism is to blame"

Me too, Jaded.

"Await chrages and court appearances. Has his pay been stopped?"

It can't be, legally, in most public sector roles.