Wednesday 17 July 2024

At This Point, I'm Starting To Wonder Whose Side They Are On...

...because this sounds less like the usual lackadaisical incompetence and more like protection for the criminal underworld:
A man whose luxury watch was stolen from his wrist while he ate at a central London restaurant says he wants to "leave the country" after an "appalling failure" by the Metropolitan Police to convict those responsible. Luca, who works in the finance industry and did not want to give his full name, said his Rolex watch was stolen off his wrist by three men while he was having dinner at a Chelsea restaurant in September last year.
He chased the suspects down the King's Road and caught one of the men...


....but says the Met Police was unable to gather CCTV footage of the crime and suggested that he drop the case over potential threats to his safety.


A Met Police spokesperson said the force was "sorry" to hear the victim felt let down and remained "regretful that we were not able to achieve justice in this case".

How could he possibly feel anything other than 'let down'?  

Luca said that in June an officer suggested he should drop the case because, if it went to court, the suspect would learn his identity and could therefore endanger his life due to "potential retaliation". He says he was also told that if he pursued the case, the suspect would likely receive only "a few hours of community service" as a court sentence.

Firstly, what's this 'drop the case' stuff? This isn't America, victims of crime don't 'press charges' over here, that's the Crown Prosecution's job. Looks like they aren't doing their's either... 

So all this talk of him 'pursuing the case' sounds like an attempt to make him withdraw support for the prosecution. Why? It can't just be because they are lazy, incompetent bastards who want a quiet shift. Can it?

The finance professional added the Met Police failed to secure CCTV footage from the restaurant and other public areas from the night of the theft, and told him this was due to "capacity and understaffing constraints".

Bollocks! It doesn't take that much work. Someone should look into what's really going on here... 

H/T: Ian J via email


Anonymous said...

Actually, Rolex watches are pretentious, overpriced, crap, bought by rich men with tiny penises in the hope that they can lure attractive women with the promise of money, in other words, 'nice whores'.

He should have spent his money on a penis extension.

Doesn't mean that the Met isn't a crap organisation full of crooks and sexual deviants, though - more corrupt than simply inefficient (which they are).

Anonymous said...

Pro tip : To ensure prompt police response, always insist that in addition to any crime, you were also victim of a homophobic slur.

JuliaM said...

"Rolex watches are pretentious, overpriced, crap..."

Like a lot of things these days, they proclaim something the opposite to what the wearer intended.

"Pro tip : To ensure prompt police response, always insist that in addition to any crime, you were also victim of a homophobic slur."

You jest, but...