Friday 12 July 2024

You Really Can't Fix Stupid...

The XL Bully ban comes to Northern Ireland, and rescue centres are starting to whine about the likely effects:
Karen Matthews, from Almost Home Animal Centre, says her team work to "rescue, not destroy" animals.
"The last thing I want is to have a centre full of XL Bullies and having to make that choice [to destroy]," she added.

Kill the dogs unable tro be rehomed to have the room to house those that can be rehomed? It seems a logical choice. 

But logic doesn't seem to be the driving factor for the pitnutter crowd: 

Michael McCartney from Glen Craig Canine training in Lisburn has more than 40 years' experience working with dogs, including XL Bully types.
"A dog's a dog, it just depends who's on the other end of it," he said.

Would that be the end with the teeth?  

Mr McCartney added that he often had more bother with smaller breeds.

But a chihuahua sends you to the medicine cabinet for a plaster, not to A&E or the morgue.  

H/T: Protect Our Pets via Twitter

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