Thursday 18 July 2024

Doesn't Anyone Remember How 'War Games' Ended?

It ended when WOPR learned 'The only way to win the game is not to play'. That's something the Left need to learn, and learn HARD. So spare me all the anguished cries to not act like the Left and go after people for what they say on social media about the Trump assassination bid, because it's somehow 'unsporting', and that we should be 'better than that' and not stoop to their level. 

Firstly, they began the tactics of cancelling people, not for wishing death on a political opponent, but for simply believing in biological facts so when prominent Tweeters on the right go after people for wishing a political assassination attempt hadn't failed there's no real equivalence here. They don't need to restrict themselves only to high profile targets if they don't want to, because the left didn't. 

And secondly, what's the point of being 'better than them' if we lose? I'm with Conan the Barbarian, and this is war - better to crush your enemies, drive them before you and hear the lamentations of the women (and soyboys) than to not use everything in your arsenal so you can claim some spurious 'moral victory'.

If those on the left are capable of learning anything (and the jury's out) it's that the tactics they use can be turned on them. The only way to win, therefore, is not to play. 


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, there are people in this world who would see it totally destroyed as long as they could rule over the burning embers.

JuliaM said...

"Unfortunately, there are people in this world who would see it totally destroyed as long as they could rule over the burning embers."

Alfred was right: 'Some men just want to watch the world burn'

Steven said...

"If you find yourself in a fair fight, then your tactics suck."
Jeff Cooper

The uber-left nutters that are now embedded in all our institutions clearly have declared war on all those who believe in simple common sense, and have shown that they will quite gleefully destroy any of us, rich or poor, if we dare to question them or their demands. The only logical response is to fight back with all means we have, and no more compunction than a wolf would use it's teeth.

JuliaM said...

"The only logical response is to fight back with all means we have, and no more compunction than a wolf would use it's teeth."

My thoughts exactly!