Monday 8 July 2024

Back To The Future!

Story published on BBV News on 28th June:
Event organisers were "devastated" after two music festivals were cancelled at short notice. The Summer Solstice Festival was due to take place in Left Field, Weeley in Essex last weekend, but was called off by Tendring District Council days before it was meant to go ahead. A folk music festival at the same location was also cancelled.

Oh, dear! When were they told?  

The council’s licencing sub committee decided to refuse the applications after they heard from residents on 17 July.
Errr, what? Did they mean July 2023, perhaps?

H/T: IanJ via email


Macheath said...

I’ve long been of the opinion that time operates differently in the vicinity of Frinton-on-sea; parts of the town haven’t yet left the 1950s, so some kind of ripple effect in Weeley seems entirely reasonable.

Nemisis said...

And just down the road is Jaywick, one of the most deprived communties in the UK.

Tom said...

@Macheath: “… the vicinity of Frinton-on-sea; parts of the town haven’t yet left the 1950s“ Sounds like a St. Trinian’s location. Wasn’t the headmistress called Miss Frinton?

JuliaM said...

"I’ve long been of the opinion that time operates differently in the vicinity of Frinton-on-sea..."

I really must visit this place one day!

"And just down the road is Jaywick, one of the most deprived communties in the UK."

You spelled 'depraved' wrong... 😉

"Sounds like a St. Trinian’s location."

It does rather, doesn't it?