Friday 26 July 2024

Where's My Heart Of Stone?

I'm going to need it for this one! 

The latest repairs to the Isle of Wight's troubled chain ferry have been held up over delays receiving spare parts.

And you'll never guess why they were delayed!  

Floating Bridge 6, which crosses the River Medina between Cowes and East Cowes, was pulled from service at the weekend with "mechanical issues".
The council said parts to fix the vessel were due on Monday but "did not arrive as scheduled from our supplier due to ferry disruptions".

Ha ha ha ha ha!  

H/T: Ian J via email


Old Peculier said...

Ferry funny :)
no, I am not going to apologise :P

Anonymous said...

The chain ferry goes from East to West Cowes and vice versa. It's a pretty unusual thing. The ferries that go from the mainland to the island and back are of completely different design and construction. There are three main routes (plus passenger ferries and hovercraft, which may be too small to carry the chain ferry parts). What are the odds on 2 ferries out of 4 being unserviceable at the same time?
The Southampton ferry goes to Cowes, so that is the logical one o put the chain ferry repair part(s) on. If it has a problem, then the other 2 ferries belong to a different company, their terminii are some distance away, and they don't dock at Cowes. An interesting conundrum for a risk analysis. Perhaps I am being to serious.
Prior to the availability of GPS, there was a route planning app called Autoroute. On the basis that it counted a ferry crossing as taking zero time, and probably costing nothing, its preferred route from Portsmouth to SOuthampton was via Fishbourne and Cowes on the IoW!

JuliaM said...

"Ferry funny :)"


"What are the odds on 2 ferries out of 4 being unserviceable at the same time?"

Pretty high, I'd think...