Monday 1 July 2024

Well, Yes, If You Flounce Out, You Will Be...


Exactly how was this person 'forced out'? 

Axel Pritchedd is non-binary and moved into Phoenix House after being forced to leave their shared house. They said: "I did say I was non-binary, but they kind of dismissed it. They kept calling me she/her. I didn't feel comfortable in there at all. I can be myself here [at Phoenix House] whereas I couldn't be myself at my old place."

So not forced out at all, left in a huff because the others in the house refused to bow down and play the pronoun game.  

Specialist LGBT+ caseworker Courtney Jennings, herself bisexual, works with Axel and others to help them become independent.
"A young girl, about 20 years old, was recently kicked out of her mother's home, because she didn't want the other kids to see her go through this [transgender] transition. We've managed to find her a house to live in. She's settled, she's happy."

So much for there being a housing crisis then, if a 20 year old can afford a house after all!  

More than three-quarters of LGBT+ homeless people cited family rejection or abuse as a cause of their homelessness.

Once again, I think we need to check the definition of 'abuse' being used here... 


Bucko said...

What's wrong with her face?

The Jannie said...

Don't forget that if Liebour fool enough voters there will be more of this pandering and more "support" paid for by the workers they claim to represent . . .

Anonymous said...

I think there's a chicken and egg situation here.
Are they transexual-pansexual-non binary etc etc because they are so fat and ugly they can't be in a normal relationship? Or because they are fat and ugly they do it for attention?
Silly hair, ugly tattoos, awful piercings

We normal people will be the exception when Starmer (Women can have a penis) wins big on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

It's probably over 50 years since I heard a commedian say about the lesbian that she was so ugly she had to go with men ...

JuliaM said...

"What's wrong with her face?"

It reflects her character!

"...there will be more of this pandering and more "support" paid for by the workers they claim to represent . . ."

Oh, indeed!

"I think there's a chicken and egg situation here."

Undoubtedly. They are always the same 'type', aren't they?

"It's probably over 50 years since I heard a commedian say about the lesbian that she was so ugly she had to go with men"
