Friday 19 July 2024

DEI Risks Lives...

...and sometimes it is revealed to have infiltrated the last place you'd expect it:
Security experts are still baffled that a roof top overlooking the presidential podium, just over a football-field away and with an elevated, unobstructed view of Trump, could have been left unguarded so that the shooter could make it on to the roof and then, unhindered, position himself for his assassination attempt. The Secret Service has yet to offer a credible explanation for this.

 Because there really isn't one...

Instead its director, Kimberly Cheatle, incredibly appeared to tell ACB News on Tuesday that health and safety protocol was to blame.
'That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,' she said.

I don't remember the bit in 'In The Line Of Fire' where Clint's character checked his risk assessments before chasing John Malkovitch, but it was a long time ago. Perhaps that's in the Director's Cut?  

Cheatle and her acolytes have also been busy throwing local law enforcement under the bus. The warehouse on top of which the shooter clambered (we still don't know exactly how) was outside the Secret Service's perimeter of responsibility, she claims.

But since it was inside the range of any nut with a gun, pehaps it shouldn't have been?  

It would seem the Secret Service under Director Cheatle has had other priorities. A former Secret Service agent told me privately that she quit because field agents were understaffed (working 60 consecutive days with no time off). Money has instead been diverted to DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion). Investment in new technology, including state-of-the-art drones, was also sacrificed at the altar of DEI.

Drones would have been very useful here, rather than out of shape women who struggle to holster their service weapon properly. 

Like me trying to get my Oyster Card back in my bag after going through the Tube barriers...

It is, of course, the inevitable result of hiring people not for their competence, but for the 'message' they send...

Director Cheatle was appointed two years ago by President Biden with the blessing (perhaps even active support) of his wife Jill. Cheatle had been on the Biden family's security detail when Joe Biden was Vice President. Jill Biden is obsessed with DEI, like most leftwing pseudo-academics. Cheatle talks more about reaching 30 percent female agents by 2030 than she does about protecting those under her agency's tender care. Her ambition is all over the Secret Service website.

And now the results of that ambition are all over the world's media. 


KJP said...

It wasn't even much of a slope: there are pavements at a greater angle.

microdave said...

There's a clip doing the rounds showing a COW walking around on a roof with the same gentle slope as the one used by the shooter. How it got up there to start with is another matter!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what job she had when on Vice President Biden's security detail? Looking after "the big man", his plagiarist wife, or the muffins from the family baker's? From the size of her, it was probably the last one. Still, if Jill says she's the one to head the Secret Service, Joe would have to agree with her, and who really cares about safety and security when the Manchurian candidate makes it so?

James Higham said...

Guilty as hell.

JuliaM said...

"It wasn't even much of a slope: there are pavements at a greater angle."

And these are the people who have to run alongside the President's motorcade! Hope he doesn;t come over here, they'll never cope with the potholes.

"There's a clip doing the rounds showing a COW walking around on a roof..."

Leading by example! 😅

"I wonder what job she had when on Vice President Biden's security detail?"

Nothing to strenuous obviously!

"Guilty as hell."

And finaly resigned before they could sack her. No doubt so she could retain the pension. 🙄