Tuesday 16 July 2024

If You Need More Proof That Islam Is Incompatible With Modern British Society...

...then just read the 'defence' put forward by the named Palestinian priestor in the Birmingham University eviction case

Muslim British-Pakistani student Mariyah Ali, 20, from Walsall, the only named defendant in the Birmingham case, said the legal action was a 'censoring tactic'.
She also claimed it amounted to discrimination against the 'manifestation' of her religious and philosophical beliefs.

Well, you know what you can do with your 'philosophical beliefs' that crying when your terrorist chums get their arses kicked is A-OK, don't you? 

Because the British legal system said 'No thanks, we'll have none of that here', thankfully.  

In two written rulings yesterday, Mr Justice Johnson granted the orders and concluded that protesters had 'no real prospect' of showing that the universities had breached their duties or that an order would be incompatible with their human rights.
He said there were 'many other ways' activists could exercise their right to protest without occupying land, concluding that protesters were trespassing.

Would that they could order your removal from the country, and not just the university grounds...

Naturally the leeches continue to suckle from this tasty feast: 

Oliver Edwards, a solicitor for Hodge Jones & Allen, which represented Ms Ali, said: 'Naturally my client is disheartened by this judgment, but she remains committed to her cause.'
He said the firm is considering appealing the judgement.

Who's bankrolling this? I do hope it's not the British taxpayer. 


Boganboy said...

Needless to say, I feel the lady should go back to Pakistan and stop bothering Brits who just want to attend university peacefully.

JuliaM said...

"...go back to Pakistan and stop bothering Brits who just want to attend university peacefully."

Are there any? They all seem to want to protest something rather than learn anything.