Wednesday 7 January 2009

Government ‘Experts’ In Search Of Pussy

Landed Underclass is enthusiastic about the possible benefits of ‘British Big Cats,’ following the reports from the MSM that they may exist after all:
“As a cat owner person owned by cats I entirely approve of all felines, though I would prefer those actually trying to sleep on my bed to be, if possible, no larger than the present ones. The thought that the yappy and incontinent kick-dogs of Daily Mail-reading local councillors might provide nourishment (albeit inadequate and insanitary) for panthers (or, more topically, snow-leopards) quite warms the cockles, to be honest.”
Me too. Particularly if they develop a taste for parking wardens and social workers…

Sadly, a look at the ‘evidence’ referred to in the MSM proves it to be anything but:
Two big cats have been spotted by rangers working for a Government agency in the most compelling evidence yet that the creatures are living in the British countryside.

There have been hundreds of reports of big cats across the UK but most are a fleeting glimpse caught by a member of the public.
Yup, lots of people have claimed to see ‘big cats’ (and been ridiculed), but now people who work for the Government claim the same thing. Well, they must be right…
But now it has emerged that two big cats were spotted by experts from the Forestry Commission using state-of-the art thermal imaging equipment. The sightings were disclosed following a Freedom of Information request.
Oooh, ‘high technology’ + ‘government experts’ = ‘the truth is out there’, surely…?

Not really:
He said: "I was driving at the time, which is quite something in itself through the forest at night. The images showed up white on the thermal imaging equipment which registers body heat.

"You basically get a white image upon a black background. It was clear enough so that the tail was very, very obvious. It was more than a deer.

"I couldn't tell you how big they were or what they were. They were just large, full cats."
He’s got no idea of size. Or species. Or anything, other than they were, apparently, ‘cat shaped’.

Government ‘experts’. They often aren’t. The only mystery here is why the MSM continues to treat them as such....


Obnoxio The Clown said...

The only mystery here is why the MSM continues to treat them as such...

The MSM has become nothing more than a press release regurgitation machine. Ideally, I'd like to see proper investigative journalists blogging, without editorial interference, on a pay-per-view basis or something.

Anonymous said...

"I couldn't tell you how big they were or what they were. They were just large, full cats."


Anonymous said...

Great headline, Julia!

I'm waiting for where they say that the threat from big cats proves the need for ID cards.

Can't be long now, surely?

JuliaM said...

"Ideally, I'd like to see proper investigative journalists blogging..."

Never happen. They have drunk the MSM koolaid and are now lost...


Yeah, my first thoughts too. If this was 'silly season', I'd like to think a few more journalists would have torn into it, but even so....

"Great headline, Julia!"

Ta. I think it's going to bring me a few dodgy Google searches though ;)

James Higham said...

Yes, Julia but how big?