Tuesday 27 January 2009

A Sign Of The Times…?

A holiday company is offering 'chav free' activity breaks aimed at middle class people tired of resorts filled with 'Britneys, Candices and Dwaynes'.
He’s quite the entrepreneur! This could, potentially, be a nice little earner similar to Warner’s ‘no small children’ holidays…
Alistair Mclean, the managing director, was unrepentant after a customer used her internet blog to complain about the lists, and said she would not be using the company again.

Mr Mclean wrote: "I simply feel it is time the middle classes stood up for themselves.

"We work hard to make a decent home and life for our families and we pay taxes to contribute to our society and economy.

"Unfortunately, everybody else in our society seems to take from us, whether it is incompetent bankers or the shell-suited urchins who haunt our street corners.

"So regardless of whether it is class warfare or not I make no apology for proclaiming myself to be middle class and a genuine contributor to our society.

"Do you encourage your children to go off and play with the shell suited, Lambert and Butler sucking teenagers who hang around our shopping centres at night?

"Again, my apologies if we offended. I am genuinely sorry that you won't be travelling with us, or recommending us, in the future."
Well, there’s one unhappy customer – but potentially, a lot more eager for the service Mr McLean is offering:
Mr McLean told the Daily Telegraph he had only had 15 negative responses from the 24,000 emails the Northumberland-based firm sent out, while the number of inquiries and brochure requests had increased.

He said: "Everybody is assuming it has had an adverse effect but it has not. We are saying what a lot of people think."
And people are obviously prepared to put their money where their mouths are.
He added: "I have been called racist, fascist, and criticized for slagging off the working classes. But I am not any of those things. My dad came from a working class background in the north east."
Much like poor Mr Eccles, I expect, who fell victim to more mindless violence from the underclass yesterday. No wonder these holidays are proving so popular…


Old BE said...

There is a big difference between working class and underclass - something the Left will deny at any cost. I have long suggested that the "middle" and "working" classes merged some time ago and we are left with "earning" and "non-earning" classes. There aren't even many aristos any more...

Letters From A Tory said...

Stories like this always remind me of the wonderful quote: "The problem with the working class is that they don't work anymore". Can never remember who said it, though.

If Labour think that the middle class will take their socialism lying down, they are so very wrong.

Anonymous said...

Also notice how the usual rightious screams of racist/fascist have already been hurled at him.

As for being against the working classes, as usual, the hint is in the name 'working' you socialist whiners.

Dave H said...

Use of the word Chav is considered a class hate crime. Be warned, they nick you for using banned words these days.

Anonymous said...

I foresee a prosecution from some enterprising bureaucrat coming up...

Anonymous said...

I bet the day after Thomas Cook first ran an excursion there were already people saying I'm a traveller not a tourist.

Today young middle class people go to Bali or Thailand to find themselves are invariably are environmentalist who would ban low cost flights.

The point is that middle class people have always found a way to isolate themselves. Look for the language: "I found this lovely unspoilt place"; "No one there can speak English"; "far from the tourist track" etc etc

This man's mistake is to articulate the actual desire

JuliaM said...

"There is a big difference between working class and underclass.."

Yup, and he has outlined it quite nicely in his reply to that complainant, hasn't he? Wonder if it made her reconsider?

"Also notice how the usual rightious screams of racist/fascist have already been hurled at him."

Yes, bit hard to see the 'racist' fitting in, but with some, it's no doubt become a reflex action!

"The point is that middle class people have always found a way to isolate themselves. Look for the language: "I found this lovely unspoilt place"; "No one there can speak English"; "far from the tourist track" etc etc"

The term 'pristine' is often a good giveaway too.

Anonymous said...

I laughed when I read the article yesteday. Well done, I wish there were more people like him about. As a non skier who enjoys the sun more I recently booked a short winter sun break in the Canaries as I can't afford the West Indies, Thailand etc. 40 hours web time researching using brochures and Trip Advisor. Ended up with a German owned and run hotel, with 95% German occupancy. What sold it to me is that all the Brits who commented said it was nice to be away from fat, loud, tattooed, lager swilling, constantly smoking, unable to speak normally to each other, constantly wailing and invariably Northern British chavs. So just have to put up with speedos, mullett hairdos, queue jumping krauts - no brainer! Just the ghastly EasyJet flight to endure then! I'm stressed before I go - why bother?

DJ said...

I'm pretty sure the three classes these days are Working Class, Not-Working Class And Social Working Class.

North Northwester said...

I love free enterprise, and this is why.