Thursday 24 February 2011

Get Them Young…

Girls as young as ten told a health worker their favourite drink was an alcopop.
How many girls? And what question were they actually asked?

Without this information, it’s just scaremongering, isn’t it?
The shocking admission came from Year 6 pupils when Ray Hatter from NHS South East Essex had visited the primary schools, two in Southend and one in Castle Point, to ask girls what their favourite drink was.
To his surprise they said it was WKD, a vodka-based fruit drink. He also fears that in several cases the children had been bought the alcopop by their parents.
And who the hell is Ray Hatter?
Mr Hatter made the comments during a council neighbourhood meeting at Leigh Beck Junior School, Canvey, while giving a presentation about the dangers of excessive drinking.
He works with Drinkwise, an annual alcohol awareness campaign, which tries to help people of all ages understand the problems that drink can cause.
Ah. Of course.
Kevin Watts, headteacher of the Northlands Junior School, Basildon, said: “I had a conversation with a member of staff who was talking about the danger of alcohol to pupils. They said they hadn’t drunk it, but they could list all of the alcoholic beverages that you could think of. The teacher was quite surprised they knew them.”
I don’t ride motorcycles, but I can name quite a few makes.

I don’t smoke cigarettes, but I could name a lot of brands.


Timdog said...

Jesus H Christ my 2-year-old son tells everyone his favourite drink is champagne, because if we have a drink and he's around we give him the same glass with some fizzy water in or whatever. He knows full well it's not champagne or beer or whatever, but he thinks it's funny, and he's right.

10 is more than old enough to take the piss out of some po-faced NHS sandalista turd asking a stupid, loaded question. We used to do it to teachers all the time, it's called a wind-up.

Alcohol is prohibited, therefore it's cool, just like fags and drugs. The more you drone on about how dangerous and evil they are, the more interest kids will take. In this case however, ask a silly question, get a silly answer. What a douche.

Furor Teutonicus said...

Where do they get these idiots that have never been to school?

I say "never been to school" because it is bloody obvious they have not got a CLUE that from about the age of 10* they, particularly boys, would rather be found dead wearing their sisters clothes than admit that they were NOT smashed off their faces, whilst getting a leg over the elder Brothers girl friend, over the weekend.

And then come these "helth workers" and believe every fucking WORD of it!

(*in my day. I would be extreemly surprised, if like everything else, they are "old beyond their age" moreso than my generation were)

F***W*T TW****R said...

Lets not forget either that you can drink alcohol from the age of 5. 18 is the age for purchasing alcohol.

Richard said...

"I don’t ride motorcycles ..."

Just one phone call, Julia ...

Richard said...

All this tells you is that 1) young people are brand-aware these days (with us it was Levi's versus any other pair of 'inferior' jeans), and 2) that kids will boast and lie because it's what kids do. WKD wasn't around then, but if someone had asked me aged 8 what my favourite drink was, I would have said whisky (it seemed very adult), and my favourite cigarettes would have been Rothman's because, even though I had never smoked, I liked the colour scheme.

Don't anyone think the guy was naive in believing them, though. It was entirely deliberate. It gave him a semi-fact to berate people with, and they don't pass those up willingly.

David Gillies said...

I hope it's not true 'cos those alcopops are minging. One can only hope by the time they're thirteen their palates will matured somewhat, to a nice gin and tonic perhaps, or even a cheeky little Pouilly Fuissé (they're on pocket money, remember, it's not like they'll spring for a bottle of Nuits-Saints-Georges.)

JuliaM said...

"10 is more than old enough to take the piss out of some po-faced NHS sandalista turd asking a stupid, loaded question."

I'd hope so too, or we're doomed as a species!

"Where do they get these idiots that have never been to school?"

As Richard points out, I suspect that, for this man's purposes, it was just too good to be questioned.

And so he didn't.

"Lets not forget either that you can drink alcohol from the age of 5. 18 is the age for purchasing alcohol."

Or, as far as most supermarkets are concerned, 21.

"Just one phone call, Julia ..."

*shudder* I've ridden a lot of things (horses, mules, camels, an elephant once) but never a motorbike. Not going to happen either!

JuliaM said...

"All this tells you is that 1) young people are brand-aware these days (with us it was Levi's versus any other pair of 'inferior' jeans), and 2) that kids will boast and lie because it's what kids do."

Spot on!

"One can only hope by the time they're thirteen their palates will matured somewhat..."

This IS Southend, so sadly that's a forlorn hope, I suspect...

Richard said...

"*shudder* I've ridden a lot of things (horses, mules, camels, an elephant once) but never a motorbike. Not going to happen either!"

I liked the way this was going, but then you stopped at 'elephants'.