Sunday 20 February 2011

I Think I’m In Agreement With Most Men…

…in that I don’t understand modern women either:
When Shaun’s previous girlfriend left him, it wasn’t exactly a bombshell. As you can see, he's is pretty passionate about military hardware and, after 12 years, she probably deserved a medal.

His cottage garden in West Lynn, Norfolk, contains a fleet of military vehicles including a Sabre tank, a World War II truck, a Jeep, scout cars and an anti-aircraft gun.
*shrugs* That’s a problem?
‘I would like to find a girl who likes tanks, too,’ he admits.

So many people conform, but why not own something a bit different?’

‘I don’t drink or smoke, I have no bad habits – apart from the compulsion to buy military vehicles,’ adds Shaun, 44.

‘My friends and family are happy because they love coming out in the tanks with me, although my last girlfriend didn’t really understand it.’
I can think of worse hobbies, frankly…
Communication is vital in any relationship, as Shaun knows: ‘I have all the stuff, uniforms, proper crew helmets with the intercom – so you can talk to each other.'
Awwww, bless!

And then we have….well, read for yourself:
A teenager told how suicide bomber Jermaine Lindsay asked her to spend the night before the 7/7 atrocity in a hotel with him.

Nicki Blackmore told how Lindsay wanted her to get him a gun on their first date.
And they say romance is dead!

Wait a minute....that means there was a second date?!?
In her statement, made just days after the July 7 attacks, she told how she had met Lindsay at a community centre in Aylesbury after he had winked at her and she had been immediately attracted to him.
That’s all it takes? I mean, even in Aylesbury..?
The following day "Tyrone" read her poems of praise to al-Qaeda, partly written in English and partly in Arabic.
Yeah, this one’s looking more and more like a keeper, eh love?
When he contacted her he said that he had been questioned by the police about "shootings" and had to lie low. He said he had been shot in the back and would show her the wounds when he next saw her.
I… I just… *shakes head*

Poor Shaun should stick to his tanks...


Katabasis said...

Gangster chic, innit?

Big guns said...

For heaven's sake! Valentines day was the perfect opportunity to make it perfect: all he had to do was give her a Panzer of her very own.

Anonymous said...

Working on the unfashionable side of the criminal justice system, can i point out there are loads of these women who latch on to bad boys.

When it all goes wrong in THEIR choice, they blame the police for not protecting them.

The figures for domestic violence fall mainly on these women who decide to date bad boys....and the result is harsher policies against all men.

JuliaM said...

"Gangster chic, innit?"

Sadly, it does seem to be.

"Valentines day was the perfect opportunity to make it perfect: all he had to do was give her a Panzer of her very own."


"When it all goes wrong in THEIR choice, they blame the police for not protecting them."

Oh, indeed. A bit of extra time in due diligence would save a lot of heartache.

banned said...

And the thing about these girls who like "bad boys" and are surprised when they get battered; once he's been disposed of they go out and find themselves another. I know, I've seen it and the girls don't seem to learn or even grow out of it.