Friday 11 February 2011

Mangling The English Language Beyond All Recognition...

A candidate chosen from an all-women shortlist to represent Labour in the next Peterborough City Council elections has hit back at critics of the system.
No doubt. And how did she do this?

Well, by simply denying the reality of the situation:
She added: “I would be angry if anyone suggested I only got selected because I am a woman.

“It’s not fair to suggest anyone only got selected because they are a woman. You wouldn’t want anyone suggesting a man only got the seat because he was a man
Sit down and have a nice cup of tea, sweetie, while I explain some hard truths to you - you only got selected because you were a woman, and it was an all female shortlist. Therefore, you did indeed 'only get selected because you were a woman'.

It's not really rocket science, is it? Have you grasped it, or do I need to type a bit...more...slowly?

Realising that there was room in her mouth for the other foot, Ann blundered on like a rhino through thick bush:
We do need to have all-women shortlists, until we have 50 per cent of council and Parliament seats taken by women, to reflect the population represented we need to have them.

“Politics is a very male-dominated business, whether it’s in the trade unions, councils or parliament. It’s intimidating but it didn’t put me off.”
So, you didn't need the advantage it gave you, then? Make your mind up, love!

The comments are overwhelmingly negative. Perhaps the newspaper should have only allowed female names to post comments?


Timdog said...
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Timdog said...

2nd try!

What a nutter.

O/T but I think this is one for you.


Richard said...

From later in the same article:

"Liz Moon, who runs the selection process on behalf of Labour for the council elections, said anyone who wants to stand still has to pass a rigorous test before being selected."

Crikey, never mind rules on how you speak and think, they are even making rules on how you remain motionless.

Anonymous said...

From the article in the Peterborough Post:-
Liz Moon, who runs the selection process on behalf of Labour for the council elections, said anyone who wants to stand still has to pass a rigorous test before being selected.
i.e. prove that you do not have a w1lly

Richard said...

Anon: Ladies do have willies, they are just ... different.

measured said...

All women shortlists. It has to be a man's solution to the problem. :-)

Lynne said...

If this is the intellectual calibre of Labour candidates, or any other party candidate for that matter, then no wonder our governing "elite" act like morons. It's because they are morons.

Edwin Greenwood said...

So if I lived in Ann's ward, could I insist on taking my local "issues" to a male councillor? What if I were a twenty-something one-legged Black transgendered Lesbian single mother? How would I be proportionately represented?

This could all get very silly.

WV: hicid. I'm not sure what it means, but it sounds jolly unpleasant.

Smoking Hot said...

Ha ha ha, she's given rope and told to go hang herself ... which she promptly does!


Woman on a Raft said...

A further refinement should be all short women lists.

blueknight said...

Margaret Thatcher managed it.....

Johnny said...

Who votes Labour anyway?

Richard said...

Yebbut, she was a Tory, so it's like cheating. Real women need assistance. It's only fair.

Anonymous said...

How come you missed "Liz Moon, who runs the selection process on behalf of Labour for the council elections, said anyone who wants to stand still has to pass a rigorous test before being selected." - are they really carrying out rigorous tests to make sure everyone making the local shortlists really is a woman - oh er !

Quiet_Man said...

You could just imagine the shrill screams if anyone suggested an all male shortlist :-D

Labourhag said...

And another I gotten so far I will be selling the book what I wrote as soon as I writed it.

English Viking said...

All women short-shirts.

Ahh. That's better.

Anonymous said...

It would be more fair if some of the women were non english speakers.
Why should people be made to speak english in Englnd.

JuliaM said...

"O/T but I think this is one for you."


"Crikey, never mind rules on how you speak and think, they are even making rules on how you remain motionless."


"All women shortlists. It has to be a man's solution to the problem. :-)"

Heh! Indeed...

"If this is the intellectual calibre of Labour candidates, or any other party candidate for that matter, then no wonder our governing "elite" act like morons. It's because they are morons."

It does give you that awful 'watching a car crash in slow motion' feeling as you read it, doesn't it?

JuliaM said...

"A further refinement should be all short women lists."


"You could just imagine the shrill screams if anyone suggested an all male shortlist :-D"

They'd break windows on Antarctic research stations...

Anonymous said...

There is a real problem here. Unfortunately, gender feminist politics mean these women will only look out for the interests of women if elected.

Men, who are MP's, are more likely to be White Knights for women issues. Can you see any of these women giving a fig about men's problems?

Years ago i went to my female labour MP with respect to my ex-wife not 'allowing' me to see my son. She had done radical feminism at university and i said to my MP that radical feminism should be banned at university. I was told that was undemocratic and university was free to teach these things.....dare say they wouldn't allow anything right-wing or pro-male.

Many working class men i speak to are now moving away from labour. It used to be for the white working class, it is now against them.