Monday 28 February 2011

Post Title Of The Month

From Anna Raccoon, on Toynbee's predictable squawking over the dreaded 'cuts'. They say a picture's worth a thousand words:


Mr Eugenides said...

See, if you were B&D you'd have titled this post "Polly naked - NSFW" and watched the hits roll in...

John M Ward said...

Good choice! I enjoyed the headline and the photo when I first encountered them a couple of days ago, and thought it was all very well devised - and true!

Captain Haddock said...

Wish she was a dead parrot ..

A "Polygon" ..

Anonymous said...

What about a prize to the first one to get that as their avatar on Komment macht Frei ?

JuliaM said...

"See, if you were B&D you'd have titled this post "Polly naked - NSFW" and watched the hits roll in..."

Are they still going? John Demetriou hasn't been on Twitter for ages.

"What about a prize to the first one to get that as their avatar on Komment macht Frei ?"

Heh! Good idea...