Wednesday 16 February 2011

I Guess The Lewisham Green Party Isn't Short Of Money..

...why else would they repeat a survey that has already been carried out?
A survey has revealed that a third of shops on Lewisham High Street leave their doors open all day.

The survey carried out by Lewisham Green Party covered 75 shops in the main shopping area.
So what, you might say? It's their money to waste?

Well, yes. But as always, 'something must be done about this!':
Lewisham's Green councillor, Darren Johnson, has slammed the waste of energy and called on the council to work with local retailers to tackle the problem.
And this is the job of the council? The one that's whining about how strapped it is for cash? Just what does he expect them to do?
Cllr Johnson has tabled a formal question to the next Council meeting, calling on the council to work with local retailers and to join the "Close the Door" campaign.

The campaign works with local authorities and retailers nationally to encourage them to close the door and save energy.
Ah. I see. It's just designed to raise the profile of the Green Party then?

Because surely there's no-one in business in this country who is unaware that their heating is escaping through an open door?


Lynne said...

We need to slam the door on the ecoloons and make damn certain it hits them hard on their prissy, alarmist arses on the way out.

Captain Haddock said...

"Ah. I see. It's just designed to raise the profile of the Green Party then" ?

More likely to have been done to raise the profile of one Darren Johnson ..

Of whom most people are likely to ask .. "Darren who" ?

Green Onanist ...

Angry Exile said...

What Lynne said, except I'd still slam the door if they had a foot in it. I'd probably slam it a bit harder.

Roger Thornhill said...

Clearly with the gun crime, neglect of abandoned kids, old people and the mentally ill way down the priority list, the Shut That Door campaign needs Larry Grayson.

Ian B said...

Does anyone else ever feel like they're in some kind of horror movie where they woke up one morning and everyone around them had gone mad, and didn't realise it? Sort of like, 28 Days Later, but barmcakes instead of zombies?

Or is it just me?

Anonymous said...

Obviously disability discrimination, reducing access for disabled people. Shame on the Green party!!


Anonymous said...

Fair enough -I'm prepared to shut my door to the eco-mentalists when they come a-knockin' and a-wailing about glow ball warming.

JuliaM said...

"...and make damn certain it hits them hard on their prissy, alarmist arses on the way out."


"More likely to have been done to raise the profile of one Darren Johnson .."

Good point! I wonder how many people actually believe this stuff? And how many are just paying lip service to get into politics?

"Does anyone else ever feel like they're in some kind of horror movie..."

Lately? All the time...