Monday 2 May 2011

I Can't Wait For His Next Trick!

First, he produces that elusive Hawaii birth certificate. Jus' like that! Hur, hur...

Now, he pulls a dead Bin Laden out of his hat!

What next? A personally-authorised Harvard Law Review article?


Stewart Cowan said...

I cannot believe how many people are buying into all this stuff. It's scarier than bin Laden.

Anonymous said...

"The British prime minister David Cameron said the news of bin Laden's death would be welcomed across Britain."

Um, are you quite sure about that Dave ?

Woman on a Raft said...

I don't know whether to put on my tinfoil hat or not.

Stewart Cowan said...

Woman on a Raft,

As long as you have a logical mind and are healthily sceptical, your choice of headwear is not important. ;)

Captain Haddock said...

"The British prime minister David Cameron said the news of bin Laden's death would be welcomed across Britain."

Not half as much as the news that you'd grown a pair & were prepared to live up to your pre-election promise of a referendum on the EU ..

Or that you & Clegg were retiring from British politics would have been welcomed, Dave ..

Furor Teutonicus said...

Must be an election coming up in the States.

SpiteK said...

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introduce my new Vice-Presidential running mate, the one, the only, Jesus H Christ!"

Jiks said...

The next trick will be false flag reprisal attacks to justify whatever it is they want to do next.

Captain Haddock said...

Whilst he appears to be on something of a roll ..

Maybe O'Bummer could be persuaded to "magic-up" a pair of balls & a spine for David Camermong ?

Fuck knows, but he's in desperate need of them ..

O'Bumble on a roll said...

Well, at least OBL got to see the royal wedding on TV before he went.

Span Ows said...

Well, at least OBL got to see the royal wedding on TV before he went. Being an Arsenal fan hopefully he got to see them beat Man United as well. Died happy.

Jiks said...

As more details emerge this is smelling worse and worse...

So they go to all this trouble to find him, then chuck the body out into the sea first chance they get. Oh, also after shooting him in the face at point blank with a .50 which kind of makes one guy with a beard look much like another.

The Seals are really, really sure they got the right guy so there is no need to check I guess.

All seems legit, nothing to see move along...

Anonymous said...

Why did it take so long for Obama to publish his birth certificate? He had to wait for the ink to dry apparently

Gene Berman said...


The first story I heard (Fox News) said he'd been killed a week earlier and that the delay in revealing the episode had been that it was necessary to to get a DNA match confirmation. The operation was described as having been a "firefight" carried out by 4 U.S. operatives.

Later, the story had changed--that the operation had just occurred hours previously and had involved 40 Seals (and 4 helicopters) and that the "U.S. is in possession of his body."

There were conflicting reports, as well, as to where the mission had originated--that, in one version, they'd taken off from a Pakistani air base; in another, they'd flown in from Afghanistan. I think there might have been another account but disremember at this point.

Somewhere (again, I don't remember where), I read that Al-Jazeera had reported the news of OBL's death several hours previously.

What I wouldn't doubt:

The $25 million reward finally persuaded one or more of his more lukewarm Paki supporters to betray his whereabouts--for a quid or two (pro quo).

He died of natural causes or due to complications of his dialysis-requiring condition. At that point, an alert and enterprising Paki opined, "y'know--we could still turn this into a "win-win"; we'll get a bundle just for turning the body over to some U.S. guys and they'll even relieve us of responsibility for post-mortem amenities an' such. Prolly get a bit more street riots this way--but that'll be the price we pay for the price we get. Who's in?"

Osama Bin Laden. During and after life--the stuff of legends!

JuliaM said...

"Um, are you quite sure about that Dave ?"

I wonder what sort of scenes were played out in Bradford..?

"Why did it take so long for Obama to publish his birth certificate? He had to wait for the ink to dry apparently..."


"Later, the story had changed..."

That happens a lot, with these things. Will we ever know the real events? Doubtful..

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX "Later, the story had changed..." XX

What do you expect?

These "news" channels scrape every piece of scum off the street that may be in danger of "having heard something", then report it as "breaking news".

Its the fuckin WINDOW cleaner fer FUCKS sake!!

But Nooooo, this window cleaner once shook the hand of Bill Clinton at a school play, so he is OBVIOUSLY an "insider" with "links to the Whitehouse"!

Then all the tin foil hatted conspiracy wankers come along and try and make it look like the Government is trying to cover something up, that it NEVER made a fucking comment on in the FIRST place.

Anonymous said...

Much hilarity in the anon household today when BBC Breakfast tried to do one its dhimmitude limitation exercises in Luton.

As the hapless hack attempted to find someone from the, er, vibrant and not very diverse community to say they were not too suicidal with grief, the ungrateful wretches started chanting Osama Bin Deadun's name...quick cut to pre-recorded vox pops of less sympathetic types.

OBL's death "welcomed across Britain" ? Silly Dave needs to visit the local occupied territories more.