Wednesday, 8 June 2016

No, You Are Just Asking For Free Energy...

Mr Rogerson, who bought his Leaf just under a year ago because of the financial savings possible, said: “It is quite frustrating, really, because they want people to use electric vehicles but then don’t give you any help for it. We are not asking for the world.”
TANSTAAFL, Mr Rogerson.

So you won't be driving your SmugCar at the Bradford taxpayer's expense, any more...


stengle said...

Who are the 'they' of which you speak?

I am one of the they, but I don't ask Mr Rogerson to buy any sort of car. It's called free choice, and I am not offering help to supplement anyone's free choice.

So plug that into the wall and smoke it, as they say.

Anonymous said...

The comments over there are truly depressing, electric cars are just so totally brilliant. Still, if any of them actually buy an electric car they will very quickly find out for themselves how shit they are.

JuliaM said...

"So plug that into the wall and smoke it, as they say."


"Still, if any of them actually buy an electric car they will very quickly find out for themselves how shit they are."

There's two charging points at my local ASDA. Been there nearly three years. Never have I seen anyone use them.