Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Expect More Of These!

A woman accused of fraud while working at an estate agency failed to attend court because she was self isolating after her friend returned from Italy.
A likely story!
Keisha Lee, 36, was due to attend her trial at a London magistrates court on Thursday, but did not turn up because she was self isolating amid coronavirus concerns.
The court heard Lee contacted the court on Wednesday to say she had been in contact with somebody who may have coronavirus and that she is self isolating.
Lee, of Balham, is accused of committing fraud by abuse of position while working as a tenancies administrator at Chesterton's City of London.
But it worked, of course.
District Judge Michael Snow adjourned the case until next Thursday and said the court should expect defendants in those circumstances to attend, following current government advice.
In relation to the defendant's specific circumstances, he said: "The government advice is not that you self isolate at this stage."
He added: "I think we are going to have to be careful with just adjourning cases. We have to follow government advice.
"The court should expect defendants in those circumstances to attend. If government advice changes then fair enough.
"I am going to put this forward until March 19."
By which time she'll have a new excuse. Or the courts will have ground to a halt...


Lord T said...

She doesn't need a new excuse the one she is using is still valid.

Attending court isn't critical.

Bucko said...

There was a similar story in our local rag and no doubt there will be many more to come

JuliaM said...

"There was a similar story in our local rag and no doubt there will be many more to come"

Already got one!