Friday 26 March 2021


I do love Twitter takedowns!


Tim the Coder said...

That restriction seems confused. With a 3 mile exclusion, what extra restriction does the 6000' term apply? So why state it, as it's totally useless?

If they cannot even understand thier own NOTAM briefing...

Ted Treen said...

I would have thought the "HMS" would have given a clue - even to a professional offendee/outragee.

asiaseen said...

@ Tim the Coder

Think in more than one dimension. 3 miles is the horizontal exclusion, 6000ft the vertical limit, perfectly obvious to those to whom NOTAMs are directed.

JuliaM said...

"I would have thought the "HMS" would have given a clue..."

Almost certainly didn't do more than skim it...