Sunday, 8 January 2023

Is There A Prize For 'Most Errors In A Local Newspaper'..?

What's the difference between £30k and £350k? And 'undergo' is all one word. 

So the hapless reporter was clearly told to go away and try again, and came up with this masterpoece!


H/T: Ian J via email


Fahrenheit211 said...

My mind is most definitely boggled at such errors. How in earth did such piss poor stuff get through? I know that allowing journalists to go direct to publication allows errors to creep in but this is truly gobsmacking.

These are the sort of errors that make me want to delve into my prayer book and see if there's any prayer that I could say to ask for the return of competent sub-editors.

Andy said...

They should never have sucked all those poof reader's.

Tom said...

Don’t the subeditors do headlines, not the journalists?

JuliaM said...

"How in earth did such piss poor stuff get through?"

It's local news - an even lower standard than rags like the 'Mail', if one can believe it.

"They should never have sucked all those poof reader's."

👏 Oh, bravo!

"Don’t the subeditors do headlines, not the journalists?"

Possibly, but wouldn't you think the journalists would be curious to see what's been done with their copy?