Wednesday 8 April 2009

Inspector Clouseau Strikes Again...

Ten suspects have been arrested by counter-terrorism officers in a series of raids across the North West of England, police said tonight.

The raids went ahead earlier than planned following a security leak this morning when Britain's most senior counter terrorism police officer, Assistant Commissioner Bob Quick, was caught on camera clutching sensitive documents as he arrived in Downing Street.

Update: Blimey, that was quick!


Witterings from Witney said...

Quick off the mark there with this young Julia, are you not?

Doh doesn't even begin to cover it!

JuliaM said...

I was going to schedule it to be put up tomorrow, but it was just too good to wait.. ;)

Plato said...

What a numpty. You'd think camera zoom lenses had just been invented!

Great spot.

Sue said...

Clearly marked "secret"..what are they like? They all think they're James Bond!

Oldrightie said...
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Oldrightie said...

Quick is yet another placement lickspittle for LieBore.

Dr Melvin T Gray said...

If only Intelligence had not insisted on a quick thinking policeman.

Mark Wadsworth said...

Nothing to add, except to point out that my word veri is "unitewe".