Thursday 2 April 2009

I Do So Hate To Be Right....

I said back in November that it looked as though the judge in the Kevin Tripp case was getting ready to get his leniency on at sentencing, and so it has just come to pass:
Virasami, who admitted manslaughter was jailed for four years, while Richardson, who had denied the offence, was sentenced to 18 months.
But that’s not even as bad as it first looks.

It gets worse. Much worse:
But as Virasami and Richardson will only have to serve half their sentences in prison and have both spent considerable time on remand, they could both be free in less than a year.
You see, just to rub in what a joke the justice system has become, that sentence doesn't start today. The clock is wound back to when these pitiless savages were first remanded.

And just to rub it in still further:
The court heard Virasami had previously been sentenced to five years for a robbery in 1987.
It’s not known how much time he actually served then, but still...

Of course, the justice system is oblivious to the grief and distress of Mr Tripp’s family, and society, proclaiming grandly from the bench:
The judge said the sentence 'reflected the revulsion' society felt at Mr Tripp's killing.
Oh, you are so wrong there...

And how very, very appropriate that this sentence was handed down on April 1st.


Dr Melvin T Gray said...

If there are no bounds to the commercial discount sense of the CJS, the prisoner in credit for the time he spent on remand will be financially compensated or given get out of jail free cards for his next offence.

North Northwester said...

The political class is to all intents and purposes an aristocracy. Only they can defend themselves with deadly force and not be harassed and perhaps imprisoned,

and only their institutions - public buildings belonging to the State - can get police protection, whilst their privileged and expensively-dressed children get to trash the banks their grants and soft loans are paid into while cutting classes for a day or two.

So their crops (clients and storm troops should they be needed against a backs-to-the wall, cornered-rats middle class) get to walk free all too soon and people of 'the middling sort' live in fear and are widowed unavenged.

This is a European country and, alas, the European imagination has a special way of dealing with sustained threats against the middle class, when it is bracketed by utterly corrupt and worthless leaders, and violent, untouchable 'working' class on the other.

They aren't going to like it.

Dr Evil said...

That utter bastard Virasami was tagged and on parole. He should hang as should his moll.

JuliaM said...

"This is a European country and, alas, the European imagination has a special way of dealing with sustained threats against the middle class, when it is bracketed by utterly corrupt and worthless leaders, and violent, untouchable 'working' class on the other."

Those who fail to remember history, etc...

Another Mick said...

When this thug is let loose (he already may be out) I hope the first thing he does is go to a supermarket and land a haymaker on one of this useless judge's family.