Wednesday 23 December 2009

We Got You In - Now Where's Our Cut?

President Barack Obama has been forced to defend himself against accusations that he has not done enough for black people in America.
Ahh, how quickly they forget, eh..?


Angry Exile said...

And at the same time he's let down the greenies who had such high hopes for a miraculous warble gloaming cure from the sacred tears of the Obamessiah. The warmist papers here are basically asking 'is that it, is that really all our beloved Barry O can do?' Give him time, everyone. You can expect great things because you still have a Nobel winner at the helm after all, even if that was basically for not being George W. Bush.

von Spreuth. said...

At least George.W. Had a BIRTH CERTIFICATE, as opposed to an apology letter from Durex.

JuliaM said...

"Give him time, everyone. You can expect great things because you still have a Nobel winner at the helm..."

Heh..! I must admit, the bloom has come off the rose even faster than I'd thought it would.

"At least George.W. Had a BIRTH CERTIFICATE, as opposed to an apology letter from Durex."
