Monday, 28 December 2009

I Can't Help But Wonder...

...if these two stories in the 'Mail' yesterday are somehow related...


Angry Exile said...

Actually I doubt it. Assuming all these abortions are on the NHS it's cheaper than condoms or pills for the cash strapped slapper in a hurry to drop her kecks by the nightclub fire exit. Come on, some of 'em would be spending a fortune and latex dahn't grow on trees yer knah. ;-)

As for the pharmacists, no biggie really. If a particular pharmacist wants to use his/her religious beliefs to drive his customers out and off to local competitors that's their own lookout. I'd be surprised if many actually do it and I doubt it affects the abortion levels because the Fail headline implies that as of right now pharmacists cannot say no on religious grounds. They may be able to in the future (though for obvious reasons we probably shouldn't place bets on anything due after about May) but right now these new rules don't exist so can't be linked. That's not to say a smart and zealously religious pharmacist couldn't pretend to be out of stock of certain drugs whenever asked but short of wasting even more tax money auditing them all the bloody time you're never going to be able to do much about it.

My suggestion? As above: make abortion an unattractively expensive form of birth control and let the pharmacists follow their religious consciences if they want since there'll always be a secular one not far away.

JuliaM said...

"...but short of wasting even more tax money auditing them all the bloody time you're never going to be able to do much about it."

I can see a new civil service post or two springing up just for that... ;)

"My suggestion? As above: make abortion an unattractively expensive form of birth control..."

About the only sensible thing Hilary Clinton ever said was what she said about abortion; it should be safe, legal and rare.

That last part earned her a kicking from the feminist nutjobs, naturally.