Friday 18 December 2009

The End Of An Era…

By the time this posts itself up to the blog, the last Terry Wogan Breakfast Show will be coming to a close. And the BBC will be replacing him with some sort of ginger gibbon they’ve trained to hold a microphone...


Thanks for all the laughs, Sir Tel. You are truly irreplaceable…


Clarissa said...

I'm going to miss Tel in the morning (or afternoon by the time I've listened again). Not looking forward to the ginger whinger but I shall at least give him a go - just in case he can actually do the job.

Fat Hen said...

Now is the perfect time to junk that TV and use the saved time and money for something that is actually fun ;>

If you still have an old TV, check this out:

Angry Exile said...

...the BBC will be replacing him with some sort of ginger gibbon they’ve trained to hold a microphone...

Careful now, Santa loves the ginger ones too, remember? ;-)

Longrider said...

What happens to the TOGs?

JuliaM said...

"If you still have an old TV, check this out..."

Now that IS impressive! I remeber going to a motor show at Olympia and seeing them do the same to a Ford Ka shell as a promotional gimmick. I thought it was the best use of a Ka yet...

"Careful now, Santa loves the ginger ones too, remember? ;-)"

I refuse to believe that! :)

"What happens to the TOGs?"

Good question. I think, like Clarissa, I'll give him a go at first, but if he's pants (as I expect), well, there's still Ken Bruce and Jeremy Vine...