Sunday, 19 December 2010

Well, This Weather Girl Has News For Us...

...sadly, it's the same old story:
A New York weather girl was arrested for perpetrating the ultimate snow job -- falsely claiming to cops that a man tried to rape her while she was jogging in Central Park, the New York Post reported Wednesday.
Ah. This is apparently a 'Class A misdemeanour', which doesn't sound too serious, until you look at the possible consequences:
If convicted, she could face up to a year in jail or a $1,000 fine.
She won't - of course - get anything like that. And her reasons for doing this?
Jones said she concocted the tale in a plea for sympathy to counter some unknown setback she was experiencing in her personal life, the source added.

H/T: Anonymouslemming in the comments


Anonymous said...

Thank god the spoilt little brat didn't actually get an innocent man arrested for nothing.
Unfortunately this type of nutter very often does.

Fairytale of New York said...

"she concocted the tale in a plea for sympathy to counter some unknown setback she was experiencing in her personal life"

Well, that worked well. Maybe we should all try it.

Chuckles said...

So, with her, it's difficult to tell whether?

lenko said...

How does the penalty for making a false allegation, compare with the man's sentence if he was convicted of rape?

Captain Haddock said...

Obviously no-one has ever told the silly little bitch that "sympathy" is only ever guaranteed to be found .. somewhere between "shit" & "syphilis" ..

One hopes it will prove to be a good learning curve ..

Anonymous said...

getting a bit sick of the calls for the punishment for making a false allegation to mirror that of a convicted rapist. the two offences are very different, only related by the fact that they concern the subject of rape.

So much of punishment of crime seems to be fixated in revenge or humiliation, missing the point really. Surely the main point of a justice system is to detect and prevent crime. When suspected criminals are caught everything should initially be done to prevent further crime then gather evidence and prosecute criminals. The final part of the process is to continue to prevent more crime and try to rehabilitate criminals if possible. If not then we can start discussing the merits of the bullet Vs life long incarceration.

This bitch deserves a lot more than a year or a silly fine but she is not a rapist and should not be treated like one. I vote a bullet. whats her name and location again?

Anonymous said...

if we want this to stop we need to remove the things from the system that encourages those willing to make a false allegation and stop teaching young girls that its ok to lie about men and hit them because they are mean.

putting a more appropriate punishment in place for those caught and convicted may stop them from doing it again but it wont stop the raft of women brought up to hate and seek revenge on men or those who see no threat from making a false allegation and getting caught or both.

a false accuser or sex crimes register would be a good start and Julia is doing much of this work for free so its not hard. some sort of investigation into allegations before engaging the public or rushing to prosecute the innocent would make progress. and shooting selfish twisted fuck-ups that make false allegations is a must.

KenS said...

@Anonymous 20/12/2010 05:44

getting a bit sick of the calls for the punishment for making a false allegation to mirror that of a convicted rapist

There is, I understand, a principle that the seriousness of a crime is based on its potential outcome rather than its actual outcome. Thus "merely" driving under the influence for a hundred yards is regarded as a serious offence because of the potential for mayhem, even if nothing actually happens.

In the case of falsely accusing someone of rape, the potential is that an innocent man will be deprived of his liberty for many years. That's pretty serious.

One might debate which is the more serious - rape, or false accusation of rape. But IMHO they are pretty evenly matched.

JuliaM said...

"Thank god the spoilt little brat didn't actually get an innocent man arrested for nothing."

If she'd given a better description, maybe she would have..

"So, with her, it's difficult to tell whether?"


"How does the penalty for making a false allegation, compare with the man's sentence if he was convicted of rape?"

It doesn't. But - at least on paper - it's better than our current penalties.

JuliaM said...

"some sort of investigation into allegations before engaging the public or rushing to prosecute the innocent would make progress."

Sometimes, the suspicions are raised because CCTV evidence disproves the 'victim's' story. Perhaps no arrests should be made until this has been viewed, where available?

Anonymous said...

@ Ken S, I agree that making a false accusation is serious, trust me I know. Not because bieng a false accuser is anything like the crime of rape however, the concequences of making a false accusation and rape are quite different.

Anonymous said...

It would make interesting reading for most, that of a victim impact statement of a man who has been falsely accused and their accuser is caught. My false accuser was caught in court while they tried to prosecute me however to date the evidence of her crimes have not been pursued by the CPS, so I have no redress.

I'd like to be able to forgive her because I believe it might make my life better but what I want is for her to tell every person who ever doubted me that she lied, that's all.

Anonymous said...

believe me when i say not guilty, end of, is not enough

i feel a freedom of information request comming on 'accusations of rape where the accused was not found guilty and there was evidence that the accuser lied'

Anonymouslemming said...

I know I keep harping on this, but you really need a contact mail address for submissions :D

JuliaM said...

You're right, I really do!

And I've been meaning to add one, and to take a look at the new template designer over Christmas...