Friday 25 February 2011

Beg To Differ, Sweetie...

Mrs Ellacott, 27, said: ‘Children were going to school afraid to do anything in case they got suspended. That’s not the way to make children behave.’
Sweet reason and treating them as little princes works instead, does it?

Good luck with that, then...


F***W*T TW****R said...

Thats the way to do it. Sack someone who has already proved their way of working pays off and is succesful. Numpties.

blueknight said...

..makes you wonder why the school failed the first time, - oh wait..

JuliaM said...

"Sack someone who has already proved their way of working pays off and is succesful. "

I suspect we aren't getting the whole story about this incident...

"..makes you wonder why the school failed the first time, - oh wait.."

Indeed! And who's going to take it on now?