Tuesday 10 May 2016

Didn’t Get The Memo, PC Jaworski..?

PC Marek Jaworski, from Basildon Police, said: "The two men were walking along Timberlog Lane when this group of about 20 people surrounded them and started attacking the victim.
"He was kicked twice in the back and once in the head and face, which caused reddening and bruising.
"Fortunately the blows did not pierce the skin. "The 18-year-old then managed to escape from the gang and run off.
"Apparently they don't know who they were, which makes it all the more worrying. It could have been that members of the gang were egging each other on to attack passers-by."
Ooh! That’s not the message you should send! It should be things like ‘isolated incident’ and ‘no reason to believe members of the public are at risk’.

You won’t get far telling the truth.


MTG said...

Very moving.
Basildon needs your help and you can support a local gang with a regular gift by standing order or direct debit from your bank account; or through gift aid declarations. This deprived area of Essex is badly in need of ripped clothing donations. Items being sought include baggy pants, new and used firearms, red bandanas, badass hats, motorcycle chains, shoelaces and long belts that can dangle from the waist.

Greencoat said...

I can send a few hip-hop CDs to help folk get in the mood.

rbbarnet said...

Were they attackers Black, then?

MTG said...

"Were their attackers Black, then?"

As soon as the street lights go out, you can't see them, Richard. Anyway, it's impossible to be so specific without fear of your door being battered down by an armed plod raid, and the ensuing domestic destruction.

JuliaM said...

"This deprived area of Essex ..."

You spelled 'depraved' wrong... ;)

"I can send a few hip-hop CDs to help folk get in the mood."

People still use CDs..? :D

"As soon as the street lights go out, you can't see them, Richard. "