Sunday 22 May 2016

But Not At The 'Mail'....

...where they have to label the animal pictured for their readers.

Even more surprising is that it's correctly labelled (this time)...


MTG said...

I can just hear that rusty, hooked scale in your head, creaking upwards to grasp a new position slightly ahead of DM intellect, JuliaM.

Andy said...

The DM have a new department: Get the Animal Correct to Prevent Julia Taking the Pee Department. Their first job was to append said animal's name to image, to be deleted naturally. Oops.

JuliaM said...

"...a new position slightly ahead of DM intellect..."

Damning with faint praise, Melv?

"The DM have a new department: Get the Animal Correct to Prevent Julia Taking the Pee Department. "

It's a lot bigger than the Professional Standards In Journalism Oversight Department.. :)