Sunday 1 May 2016

Nah, Think I'll Vote For Someone Who Can Proofread...

The air we what..? *sighs*


James Higham said...

Bagshaw - where have I heard that name before? With an e wasn't it?

Antisthenes said...

My English is appalling I acknowledge so I cannot castigate anyone if theirs is also. However what I can object to is that wish list. No doubt when it was compiled I doubt that it entered the compilers head that what he/she was demanding was that something should be done not with their money but other peoples. Despite the denials of the lefties/progressives/socialists and others of that ilk money does not grow on trees and government cannot do much about fulfilling that list without it adversely affecting many. That includes those that that list is aimed at benefiting. Superficially it would appear that the list if fulfilled has been satisfied but it will be at a price a price that will have to be paid in many negative ways. The law of unintended consequences never rests so good intentions should be approached with supreme caution.

Anonymous said...

"The law of unintended consequences never rests"

You're not kidding, what do you suppose the consequences of banning dirty diesels might be? How is stuff going to be moved around without trucks? How am I going to feel about my car becoming worthless overnight? Do these people engage their brains for even a second before coming out with this nonsense?


Andy said...

... Good intentions should be approached with supreme caution ...

The road to Hell is paved with good Intentions, as some sage once said.

JuliaM said...

"Bagshaw - where have I heard that name before? "

I'm happy to say you probably won't ever again... :)

"My English is appalling I acknowledge so I cannot castigate anyone if theirs is also."

This is a professional print company!

" How is stuff going to be moved around without trucks? How am I going to feel about my car becoming worthless overnight? "

Details are for others to work out, clearly..!