Tuesday 3 May 2016

I Wonder If Sergeant Peter Allan Dreamed Of Arresting Armed Blaggers As A Child...?

If so, it must be a crushing disappointment to learn what his job now entails...
Sergeant Peter Allan, the force's hate crime sergeant, said: "I am pleased the court has convicted the defendant in this case. No-one should be targeted in such a personal and public way because of the way they dress.
"This sentence sends out a clear signal that we will take a robust approach to those who target individuals based on their disability, gender identity, race, religion or sexual orientation."
Well done. Have a break. Have a biscuit. You deserve it, tangling with such a tough opponent, you brave crime fighter, you...


MTG said...

Plodscum with ambition, destined to go far.

Take any train from Huddersfield to Leeds, crammed-packed as it usually is with niqab-wearing women and their rucksacks, to experience a Big Thrill Ride, Sgt Allan.

Woman on a Raft said...

The paper closed the comments on the article.

I know a lot of 77 year old ladies but I find it very unlikely that they would approach anyone out of the blue to express an opinion about their dress. Are we really being told all the relevant details about the earlier exchange at the doctor's surgery? Is Blauvelt a Jewish name? It certainly appears in Jewish genealogy registers.

Don't forget to become a blocwart for the Sussex Police. Little old ladies who have strong opinions are a terrible danger to society, so stamp 'em out now.


(No idea why that is running in Herald Scotland)

Nice Mr Pierrepoint said...

Fair play to old Mrs Blauvelt. The hijab in Britain indicates a colonising mentality.

Michael said...

It must be wonderful to live in a place that is so "diverse" where ordinary crimes ae so rare that plod can ensure the protection of a select group of colonisers. For such people the very existence of "White English" is anathema and any person (especially the unproductive old fashioned and even worse white)must be taken for "re-education" whenever they diverge from the approved Minitruth view. Islamophobia is a quite rational fear of being hacked to death or blown up in the street. It is also a doubleplus ungood thought crime...

Greencoat said...

'..the force's hate crime sergeant.’

But surely all the force’s sergeants should hate crime?

mike fowle said...

Shut it. We're the Sweeney, Gran, and we haven't had any dinner.

Anonymous said...

Don't you realise that this brave officer was in great danger? This woman could have made fun of his helmet.


Ed P said...

Personally I don't care what people wear in the street, Nuns, motorcyclists or Muslims may walk around with their faces obscured without bothering me.

But I will not converse with anyone whose face remains covered: when asked for directions recently by a woman with the full covering I asked if she would remove it. The answer was no, so I walked away.

This same logical & sensible attitude applies in banks etc.: show your face or don't come in (motorcycle helmets too).

These covered women are victims of repression but seen unaware of it, or else maybe are subject to Stockholm Syndrome. But they themselves must seek change - it's not for we more enlightened Westerners to force them to give up being part of a misogynistic and repressive culture.

Woman on a Raft said...

OTOH, you can't fault Sgt Allan's H&S logic; a little old lady twice his age is unlikely to put up much of a fight. Not like yer proper crim.

So instead of a nice cup of tea and a negotiation around the notion of 'Ladies! Please!' we get him wanking himself in to a self-righteous fury about having twice the level of hate crime to deal with.

Obliquely related: last week a teenager who stabbed a man was convicted - well, she did do it - but in the circumstances the judge declined to give a custodial sentence and forbade the normal fine. The court has now gone further and named the man who she stabbed. Zabhulla Boota was previously identified when he was first convicted.



What has not been explained is why, having carried out this sexual abuse, Boota was allowed to stay in charge of children.

Anonymous said...

I trust that there was independent corroboration of these alleged offences - the newspaper article didn't make that clear - otherwise it's one person's word against another. It would also be interesting to know how many similar offences the good Sgt has dealt with where the offender was from the religion of peace? It seems that this is either bad reporting or a selective definition of what hate crime is. Anyway, all crime is a form of hate crime, though hatred itself isn't. Melv obviously hates the Police,but he is not a criminal, just a cretin.

Ted Treen said...

In other words, thoughtcrime is the greatest threat to the UK. Are ALL these plods Common Purpose graduates?

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the Chief Inspector of the Inspectorate of Constabulary, Sir Tom 'Walter Mitty' Winsor, you may not be far from the truth. Winsor's desire to have all Police recruits requiring a minimum of 3 'A' level GCEs, yet accept a starting salary less than can be obtained working in a fast food chain, could mean that our future law enforcers have a plethora of education qualifications but a modicum of intelligence. The future's not orange; the future's terrifying!

Anonymous said...

Penseivat still counts on the fingers of one hand and his reference to 'three' as a 'plethora' indicates his approach to the upper limit.

JuliaM said...

"I know a lot of 77 year old ladies but I find it very unlikely that they would approach anyone out of the blue to express an opinion about their dress."

A touch of dementia, perhaps?

"It must be wonderful to live in a place that is so "diverse" where ordinary crimes ae so rare that plod can ensure the protection of a select group of colonisers. "

Fewer and fewer of those every year...

"But they themselves must seek change - it's not for we more enlightened Westerners to force them to give up being part of a misogynistic and repressive culture."

Our gaff, our rules..?

"What has not been explained is why, having carried out this sexual abuse, Boota was allowed to stay in charge of children."

Good grief! But have things really changed..?

"I trust that there was independent corroboration of these alleged offences - the newspaper article didn't make that clear - otherwise it's one person's word against another."

Which is only an issue when identity politics weights one side of the scale.

Anonymous said...

My father who lives in Birmingham, recently met some fellow and his wife while walking the dogs. The guy shook hands with my dad, but his wife wasn't allowed to.
What has our world come to, I think that's a lot more repressive than covering her face, forbidding a handshake...