Friday 10 November 2017

Great Timing, Steptoe!

Just days before "Seni's Law" passed the first hurdle, Leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn posted a video on Twitter backing the bill.
"Seni Lewis from Croydon, was only 23 when he died in a seclusion unit whilst held down on the ground," he said.
"Too many mental health patients have died after being physically restrained with unacceptable levels of force and violence.
"Seni’s Law will open up the mental health services to the scrutiny and accountability that’s needed to save lives."


Whew! Aren't we lucky he wasn't restrained?


jack ketch said...

"Too many mental health patients have died after being physically restrained with unacceptable levels of force and violence"

Or the nursing staff could simply let them go have that smoke after all?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if any of these armchair experts have ever actually tried to restrain a violent mental patient?

jack ketch said...

"I wonder if any of these armchair experts have ever actually tried to restrain a violent mental patient?"

I doubt it otherwise they wouldn't talk such tosh. But I live with a violent paranoid psychotic so maybe I'm blessed with insights that they aren't privy to. Simple truth of the matter is the only sure way to stop someone off his meds and postal is a rifle round to the frontal cortex. "Restraining" is always a risk to all involved. The wonder is that more restrainees don't die.

Wasn't there a recent case where passersby restrained an armed robber and managed to kill him by accident? (probably sat on him..always risky).

Anonymous said...

As Jaded said restraint is fraught with danger for all concerned. I would imagine more people are 'restrained to death' by police/public/bouncers in a year than are shot by police. When I was in the police we used to try to work on a basis of one officer per limb plus one to communicate, it's hard work and you always try to avoid face down restraint. All the members of the Royal College of Bystanders with Phd's in hindsight studies would do well to remember that, yes, one person may be able to restrain a violent mental patient but I can guarantee it wouldn't be pretty and would involve the use of a lot of force.
I shall wait for the critics to give me the magic word to calm someone down instantly.

Anonymous said...

I know some of the officers involved in this case. Since 2010 they have been on tenterhooks which is incredibly unfair. This man went berserk and staff at the hospital called for help. Despite the fact that these nurses are the experts in mental health they all stood back and let my mates restrain this man. When it all went wrong they ran for the hills.

Only last month they were cleared of any wrong-doing.

I'm sure lawn-mower man will be on here soon telling us how clever he is and what he would have done in these exact circumstances. Probably in Latin to really impress us all.

jack ketch said...

Since 2010?! FFS! Even if your mates had killed the bloke with malicious aforethought it shouldn't have taken that long surely?

jack ketch said...

one person may be able to restrain a violent mental patient but I can guarantee it wouldn't be pretty and would involve the use of a lot of force.-Retired

Dead right! The Bestest Frau And Sweetest Little Paranoid Pyschotic In The World comes up to my chest height and in her salad days I could pick her up and carry her in my arms though the town. Even after 3 babies she could still get away with half fare on buses and clothes shopping VAT free in the Kiddies' aisle.

There is no way I could have restrained her when she went off on one without using amounts of force and sheer violence that could easily have been fatal or left her with permanent damage. Too many idiots think it's just a case of a TV style sleeper hold (as if reducing blood supply to the brain was generally a good idea) or, worse, still a half nelson. As it happens I found the safest way, for all concerned, was by using my voice not my muscles BUT that only works if you know the person really really well well and figure prominently in their psychosis- NOT a tactic that nurses (usually) or Policemen could use.

JuliaM said...

"Or the nursing staff could simply let them go have that smoke after all?"

Or leave that ward, or grab that knife, or rape that fellow patient?

"Simple truth of the matter is the only sure way to stop someone off his meds and postal is a rifle round to the frontal cortex."

Or taser?

"I would imagine more people are 'restrained to death' by police/public/bouncers in a year than are shot by police. "

Come, come. Their marksmanship isn't that bad... ;)

"Despite the fact that these nurses are the experts in mental health they all stood back and let my mates restrain this man. "

Because you turn up. Stop doing that.