Thursday 23 November 2017

Once Again, The Police Prove Themselves Ignorant Of The Law...

The couple were visiting the town from their home in Milton Keynes at the time and were walking to their car after a day at the beach when the bull mastiff approached.
“Before anyone knew what was happening it had its jaws clamped around Zack’s leg,” said their daughter Rebecca Atherton.
Horrified, the pair tried to pull the dog off Zack but when the bull mastiff growled they had to pull back for fear of their own safety.
That's a significant thing.
Miss Atherton said: “Eventually the owner of the dog came over and pulled his dog off Zack, but then proceeded to put his hood up and walk away after the attack, not taking any responsibly at all for what happened.
My parents were horrified – they are very shaken up at the moment.”
And they reported it to the police. Who fif as they usually do, and tried to palm it off on someone else:
The attack is being investigated by the dog warden.
Who, if he has any sense, will pass this hot potato straight back:
The couple informed Dorset Police and officers referred the incident to the borough council’s dog warden.
You see, Dorset Police are too idle or thick to realise that this is, indeed, a matter for them:

When the public know the law better than the police claim to, aren't we entitled to ask why we continue to pay them?


MTG said...

He cannot be an expert on everything, JuliaM! Contemporary plod must be primarily au fait with the law concerning sickness, absenteeism and his personal compensation claims. More usually, claims fabricated alongside an equally dishonest, 'union helper'.

moqifen said...

Dorset Police are too idle or thick to realise that this is, indeed, a matter for them: - or more likely both - arent dorset police the force always trawling for offensive tweets to prosecute - much safer than dealing with actual criminals .

jack ketch said...

No idea about the law on this but could it not be the case that the police are instructed from on high to first allow the dog warden to identify the perp, it being his bailiwick ('community knowledge" and all that) and investigate if there has been no actual injury to a person? Then if the DW finds there was a reasonable cause for alarm or fear it gets passed back to the police?

jack ketch said...

*taps foot*

Joolz, you have failed me. All day I have waited for you to express your delight at the Magic Money Tree's bounty, at the £28 Million for the V I C T I M S of the Grenfell GENOCIDE. He's a nice man , our Chancellor, a very nice man.

Pcar said...

A nice man? Hmm, more like an idiot caving in to Left SJW mob, as Cameron's and now May's Gov't repeatedly do.

Mrs May, accept reality, the Left SJW mob will never thank or vote for you regardless of how many £ Billions of taxpayers' money you give them.

Oh, and your "standing up for the just managing" pledge - how does that sit with Hammond's second >6% rise in duty on tobacco this year?

Re Greenfail Tower
Councils were yesterday given a blank cheque for essential fire safety work in high-rise blocks in the wake of the Grenfell Tower disaster.

May & Hammond, you are fools - as for the stamp-duty subsidy for 1st time buyers, more stupidity and complication.

PS @jack ketch, 23 November 2017 at 18:26 You forgot /sarc :p

JuliaM said...

"...much safer than dealing with actual criminals"


"... but could it not be the case that the police are instructed from on high to first allow the dog warden to identify the perp, it being his bailiwick ('community knowledge" and all that) and investigate..."

Well, playing Devil's Advocate, it could, yes.

"All day I have waited for you to express your delight at the Magic Money Tree's bounty, at the £28 Million for the V I C T I M S of the Grenfell GENOCIDE."

I was rendered speechless!