Wednesday 15 November 2017

Then, Surely, There Could Also Be One...

Bedfordshire police and crime commissioner Kathryn Holloway said there 'could be an argument' that people should not be leaving valuables in vehicles.
...that young women should not get so hog-whimperingly drunk that they sleep with men they don't fancy and then cry 'rape!' the morning after?

Or if that's too politically incorrect for you to stomach, maybe get your Twitter Warriors out on the streets instead.

One thing's for certain - you don't deserve a penny more of taxpayer cash.


MTG said...

It would be refreshing to see the headline 'Citizens stop paying more than £100 towards the policing bill of their council tax because the service shouldn't find ridiculous excuses to ignore crime. '

Lord T said...

I'm sure we could make a case for wimmin that get raped for showing a bit of thigh.

JuliaM said...

"I'm sure we could make a case for wimmin that get raped for showing a bit of thigh."
