Sunday 26 November 2017

Oh, Twitter.... to puncture the snowflakes & rub  salt into the wounds of the Outrage Brigade!



Bloke in Germany said...

I can't wait for their Ramadan promotion...

Bill Sticker said...

No idea what the Christians are up in arms about. The actual date of the real nativity was sometime in March or April. (Or even January or October if you read some accounts) It's the pagans who should be outraged about the hijacking of their midwinter solstice celebrations.

Pcar said...

Well done Dr iPengy

You made me smile & giggle, thanks :)

A Geezer said...

While we're on the subject Merry Christmas You Suckers

JuliaM said...

"I can't wait for their Ramadan promotion..."


"It's the pagans who should be outraged about the hijacking of their midwinter solstice celebrations."

Well, quite!

"While we're on the subject Merry Christmas You Suckers"

Oh, that's great! Never heard it before.