Friday 17 November 2017

So Good Bad They Named Him Twice!

An A&E specialist doctor who had extreme porn on his computer and laptop has escaped a prison sentence.
Dr Ray Gautam Ray, 52, from Plumpton Green near Lewes, was told the videos and images were so serious he could be jailed.
But instead magistrates gave him a six-month suspended sentence.
It seems a display of humility did the trick for him:
Rod Hayler, defending,said the father of two had resigned from his job after his arrest.
He said: “He resigned from his job. He accepted all trust in him would be lost.
“He stepped away from a career 27 years in the making and a significant salary which provided for his family.
“He took up a job emptying bins, picking up litter and maintaining gardens almost to demonstrate his sense of shame to the world.”
Or to the court. Let's see if he continues this transformation past his court date, eh?
A spokesman for Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, which runs the Princess Royal, said: “As soon as Dr Ray was arrested, he was suspended and he no longer works for us.”
The General Medical Council also suspended the University of London graduate’s licence to practise medicine.
An interim order was made on October 17 and the GMC will now pursue an investigation following the end of criminal proceedings.
Hopefully, banning him from practicing for good.


Sobers said...

Here's a list of all the doctors that have been up before the MPTS in the UK in the last calendar year:

Notice anything about it?

jack ketch said...

Neigh I say. Before anyone saddles up and whinnies on about sex offenders, read the article. The Vet, sorry the Doctor, should never have been prosecuted for looking at 'extreme' the making of which no animals were harmed.

JuliaM said...

"Notice anything about it?"

There's something, I just can't quite put my finger on it...

" the making of which no animals were harmed."

It feeds a perversion that rarely stops with Fido or Dobbin.