Saturday, 21 March 2020

'Reason' Has No Bearing On This... fact, you could have stopped that sentence just four words in. It shows what many think of government reassurance.

And the rest? Just greedy and selfish. Just...people!



Anonymous said...

It is human nature to seek to provide for and look after those we care for. My partner suffers from a painfully condition and needs daily paracetamol to ease the pain. Did I make sure we had plenty in stock? You bet I did, can't book a doctor's appointment here anytime in the next 6 weeks so self help is the only opinion left.

JuliaM said...

"Did I make sure we had plenty in stock? You bet I did..."

And that's sensible. And sustainable.

How many people who panic-bought perishable goods have now thrown them out as past their sell buy date, I wonder?