Sunday, 1 March 2020

"Welcome To 'The Daily Star'. Have You Any Experience In Editing News Websites?"

"Yes, I worked for the 'Mail'..."


MTG 1 said...

Shame! Can something must be done before amateur 'journalists' confuse GMP and WMP acronyms?

Stonyground said...

Can something must be done?
It makes sense to proof read your posts just a little more thoroughly when you are picking up on other people's errors.

Ted Treen said...

"Can something must be done..."

What's that in English - or do we allow it as it's from an amateur 'commenter'?

MTG said...

...'a little MORE thoroughly'...

Intentional or congenital?

MTG said...

It's over your head. You are far safer at the shallow end, teddy boy.

Anonymous said...

How dare you criticize MTG....

Ted Treen said...

MTG - purveyor of strawman arguments to bloggers and commenters - evidently very experienced with "shallow".

Anonymous said...

@ Ted Treen
Your mask is slipping. Benign qualities you are inclined to project of yourself are a thin veneer concealing a devious and toxic nature, more evident when you accuse others of the precise actions you yourself perform but deny.

Ted Treen said...

"...a devious and toxic nature..."

Only towards lefties and similar lowlifes - ad hominem responses from those of that ilk are rarely irritating.

JuliaM said...

"It makes sense to proof read your posts just a little more thoroughly when you are picking up on other people's errors."

There's a term for that!