Sunday, 24 January 2021

Maybe I'm Getting Old....

... or maybe the definition of 'news' really has changed?


The Jannie said...

And the MSM wonder where their credibility and, more importantly to them, sales, are going . . .

A belated Hoppy Birdie, by the way!

Doonhamer said...

At least it is not on back to front.
The new measure of Class.
Personalised? Mummy sewed a name label on.
And merry birthday, and thanks for all the investigations and humour.

Stonyground said...

Presumably there are enough people out there who are mindless enough to be entertained by this kind of pap. I keep thinking of an episode of the quiz show Pointless when a picture of an emu along with the caption E_U scored 85. I was forced to accept that 15% of a random sample of the public were so phenomenally stupid that they couldn't identify an emu even if you gave them a picture and spotted them an E and a U.

MTG 1 said...

It shouldn't be a problem. If some folk like to soak this stuff up, leave them to it and scroll down.

JuliaM said...

"A belated Hoppy Birdie, by the way!"

Thank you! 😊

"I was forced to accept that 15% of a random sample of the public were so phenomenally stupid that they couldn't identify an emu even if you gave them a picture and spotted them an E and a U."

Oh, daily quiz shows do really give you the feeling that you're educated to a far better level than you previously belived, don't they?

"If some folk like to soak this stuff up, leave them to it and scroll down."

I wonder if it's a symptom of the 24/7/365 news cycle. They have to print something, after all.