Wednesday 6 September 2023

Let Those Who Released Him Serve The Same Sentence...

A Jack the Ripper obsessive who spent 32 years in jail for a series of chilling crimes against women launched a horrific knife attack on a pensioner just five months after his release.

Why was he ever released? 

Anthony Roberts inflicted more than 50 wounds on his victim, stabbing her in the neck, chest, back and legs, and slashing across her mouth, telling her: 'If you let me rape you, I will let you live'.
Roberts, 56, had only been released on licence last December after being given a life term in 1991 for a spate of attacks that saw him stalk and attack women in pedestrian subways across the previous summer.

Why doesn't life mean life? It should. This man's criminal history is horrific, and those who released him on license should be dealt with... 

Roberts, of Green Hill, Worcester, was remanded in custody for sentence on October 2.

What does it matter if the judge gives him a sentence, if he never serves it? 


Stonyground said...

I know someone, now retired, who was a lecturer in criminology. If there is an actual ology that comprises an actual detailed study of criminals and criminal behavior, why on earth is it not obvious that there are certain sick individuals who are completely incapable of reform and who need to be incarcerated permanently?

Anonymous said...

Of the people who approved his release cannot be made to serve the rest of his original sentence, perhaps they should be named and made to explain to a public enquiry how they came to their conclusions.

JuliaM said...

"... why on earth is it not obvious that there are certain sick individuals who are completely incapable of reform and who need to be incarcerated permanently?"

It's a puzzle, isn't it? Maybe they just don't spend enough time with their 'subjects'..?

"...perhaps they should be named and made to explain to a public enquiry how they came to their conclusions."

That's the LEAST that should happen!