Saturday 9 September 2023

When An 'Innie' Becomes An 'Outie'...

No, I'm not talking belly buttons! 

A former Home Office chief accused of resisting key Conservative policies while in charge of asylum is joining a charity that has said the Government’s policies are “inhumane, racist and divisive”....
Who could have foreseen this?

Oh, that's right. Everyone who has been paying attention.


Stonyground said...

We treat illegal immigrants really badly here, that's why we get so few wanting to come here.

L fairfax said...

Why did she leave the home office? Surely she was doing a really great job of sabotage where she was?

Anonymous said...

Most public institutions are infested with fifth columnists (including senior police). All desperate for a Labour government to open the borders and feather their own nests. We saw this with the anti-Brexit elite and they aren't even bothering to hide it anymore.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes "Haddad" that well known traditional British surname.

Is it 'really' a shock to anyone that she, like all the rest, always acted to further and protect the interests of her real country and religion of allegiance.

The ones I truly blame are the malicious idiots who hired, and gave power to these scum. She, and the rest, can be sent back where they came from (although I prefer that it be via Pinochet airlines), they should be swinging from street-furniture covered in tar and feathers.

JuliaM said...

"...that's why we get so few wanting to come here."

A conundrum that never seems to occur to the progressives...

"Why did she leave the home office? Surely she was doing a really great job of sabotage where she was?"

Good point!

"We saw this with the anti-Brexit elite and they aren't even bothering to hide it anymore."

And that's telling, isn't it? They should be afraid to display it so openly.

"The ones I truly blame are the malicious idiots who hired, and gave power to these scum."

Me too.