Sunday 3 September 2023

That'll Be Hard To Do, 'Mail'...

...and not because they are cubs. Because mountain lions are not in the genus Panthera and so cannot roar!


Frank said...

You say they can't roar. That doesn't stop them making the attempt. After all, they don't know they can't roar. ;-)

MTG said...

Mountain Lions make noises like women. They commence hissing, yowling spitting and begin growling if they don't get their own way. You never hear them roar and only purr when things are suiting them perfectly.

Doonhamer said...

Going by the picture scientists tend are a bit untidy.
Maybe it is a Californian thing?

JuliaM said...

"That doesn't stop them making the attempt. After all, they don't know they can't roar. ;-)"

Good point! 😂

"Mountain Lions make noises like women. "
