Thursday 7 September 2023

Ooh, Ooh, I Think I Know The Answer!

Is it 'because the Prison Service isn't fit for purpose'...? I bet it is...

The Ministry of Justice is now investigating why someone accused of such serious offences was not placed in a higher security prison, as experts furiously question why Khalife was not seen as more of a risk.

It's a good question indeed, isn't it? 

A neighbour told The Daily Telegraph: 'A woman lived upstairs who had a son and daughter. The boy would come and go swearing loudly. She moved to Wales roughly three years ago – a year after we moved in.
'The family were British, of Middle Eastern origin. '



Anonymous said...

British of Middle Eastern origin? A dog born in a stables does not become a horse.
In the meantime there's thousands more coming here every year in the dinghy invasion to take his place.

Stonyground said...

I used to work as a mobile engineer servicing and repairing industrial pneumatic power tools. One of my gigs was servicing the tools in a prison workshop. My van was thoroughly searched both when I went in and when I came out. The van would have to be parked in the middle of a secure yard and was under constant surveillance while it was there. I was escorted by a prison officer in and out of the prison workshop and kept under surveillance at all times. These guys weren't messing about. I would have assumed that these kinds of procedures would have been standard practice in prisons everywhere. Not Wandsworth apparently.

Sgt Albert Hall said...

The more I read the more I think this idiot is a Walter Mitty.

JuliaM said...

"In the meantime there's thousands more coming here every year in the dinghy invasion to take his place."


"My van was thoroughly searched both when I went in and when I came out. The van would have to be parked in the middle of a secure yard and was under constant surveillance while it was there. "

It's what you assume all prisons to be like. Another disillusionment.

"The more I read the more I think this idiot is a Walter Mitty."

Now we find out he didn't get further than Chiswick Waitrose! 😁