Thursday 21 September 2023

You Really Can't Fix Stupid...

Ms Coulthard said she decided to get an XL Bully dog after seeking a dog that was both capable of going on hikes and could live in her London apartment.

Because an eight stone muscled killer bred for fighting other eight stone muscled killers to the death is just as capable of that as a labradoodle or cocker spaniel, of course? 

She felt the US breed, which is a mixture of the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Bulldog and English Bulldog, would suit her lifestyle perfectly.And she didn't recognize the characterisation of XL Bullies as naturally violent animals, adding that her pooch was the ideal 'family companion'.

If you look at one of these things and say to yourself 'Yes, that animal fits my lifestyle', then it's a sign you have the wrong lifestyle. 

Or that you're an idiot, like so many women who own these things.  

Ms Coulthard said she'd felt 'stressed' following calls to outlaw the breed, and said it was important that new legislation was drafted that introduced licences for owners.She went on: 'The government is legislating against the dog.
'But actually if we have a dog register and dog and breeding licensing people would think twice before thinking of getting a dog in the first place.'

It's clear you didn't think properly, though, isn't it? 


Anonymous said...

From the photos which accompany these reports, I’d suggest a quick rule of thumb emerges; if you adopt that ridiculous pout when faced with a camera, you should not be in charge of a large and potentially aggressive animal (applies doubly if the images are selfies including the dog: indulging in the aesthetic of ‘cute little me’ pics with a big dog suggests priorities at odds with responsible ownership).

KJP said...

"ideal family companion" - yes, if you are the Manson Family.

JuliaM said...

"...if you adopt that ridiculous pout when faced with a camera, you should not be in charge of a large and potentially aggressive animal..."

As soon as I see a photo of someone doing that, it raises my hackles.

"...yes, if you are the Manson Family."
