Thursday 15 August 2024

A Bit Selective, Isn’t It?

Sadiq Khan, the divisive Mayor of London, is claiming the recent unrest frightened him.
“What’s heartbreaking to me is my children’s generation had never experienced what I had,” he said. “And they, for the first time, were scared. I thought I’d be the last generation to be scared, simply for who I am. And it breaks my heart.”
Have you not asked any of your children's Jewish friends how they felt about the marches by Palestine protestors you've allowed, nay encouraged, on every weekend in London then?
“It’s difficult to explain the ripples when you’ve been targeted because of your religion or colour of your skin and you can’t change either of those things. And whether you’re seeing physical acts of violence taking place in the north-west or the north-east, you feel it in London.”

How must they feel about the ones that happen a little closer to London then? 

The scenes of anti-fascist demonstrators filling the streets in London on Wednesday night were a “source of pride”, he said.
Well, not entirely, Khan, not for Labour or Amnesty International!
One politician Khan is prepared to attack directly is Robert Jenrick, the former immigration minister who is a frontrunner for the Conservative leadership. Jenrick said on Tuesday that he was angered with the policing of pro-Gaza demonstrations and questioned why protesters shouting Allahu Akbar – which means God is Great –were not arrested.
“I think somebody who aspires to be the leader of the Conservative party, who must, by extension, aspire to be the prime minister, should understand some of the basics about one of the major religions of the globe, one of the major religions of our country,” Khan said. “His remarks are so offensive, so hurtful, so dangerous. It’s akin to somebody saying we should outlaw the word hallelujah. Just think about the ridiculousness of saying that.” 

Maybe we would do, if it had been the last thing victims heard before bombings and massacres by fanatic Christisan terrorists? 


DAD said...

He says, “It’s difficult to explain the ripples when you’ve been targeted because of your religion or colour of your skin and you can’t change either of those things."

Strangely, I thought that he could change his religion.

Bucko said...

"to be scared, simply for who I am"

Well, when who you are is a r*** b****** f****** h********* t*** f**** m***** f*****

Phil Day said...

You or l can change our religion easily but moslems would become apostates and risk potential sanctions up to and including execution so not so easy for them.

Anonymous said...

Of course, some people are scared to visit London because they might get stabbed for no reason at all.

Anonymous said...

That's really strange. The numpty Sad Dick Khan't didn't mention that he was frightened when the Burn, Loot, Murder mob ran riot, or the streets of London were filled with Palestine supporters, demanding the genocide be stopped (while demanding the genocide of the Jews - irony doesn't seem to have filtered down to these morons). It seems he's only frightened when when the public disorder involved people, many of whom have had enough of being treated as a second class citizens in their own country. There is no excuse for rioting (when you're white), though others seem to get a free pass. Has that Batley teacher, and his family, been able to come out of hiding yet? Just asking.

Anonymous said...

I don't feel safe in London when his Muslim mates are stabbing and exploding in the name of the religion of peace

JuliaM said...

"... I thought that he could change his religion."

Can he be that dim he doesn't realise?

"Well, when who you are is a r*** b****** f****** h********* t*** f**** m***** f*****"

Damn good point!

" not so easy for them."

What is life without a little risk?

JuliaM said...

"...didn't mention that he was frightened when the Burn, Loot, Murder mob ran riot, or the streets of London were filled with Palestine supporters, demanding the genocide be stopped (while demanding the genocide of the Jews - irony doesn't seem to have filtered down to these morons)."

Why would he be, they aren't going to turn on their benefactors?

"...don't feel safe in London when his Muslim mates are stabbing and exploding in the name of the religion of peace"
